Age of Wonders 4

Yeah, thought I’d might as well. I was onboard with this game when I saw one of the initial streams I think. And the story announcement trailer they did with the remixed Age of Wonders music might’ve helped :)

I didn’t know you were an artist @Scotch_Lufkin. That’s awesome!

Do you have your art up anywhere (I know that’s kind of a loaded question these days, with ArtStation for example deciding that they can use art posted there for AI art scrapping).

I just post my new stuff here and on Facebook/Twitter to share with friends and a few groups I’m in. I started to teach myself how to paint a few years ago and if you are curious you can see my progress (and my work) on this thread.

Oh shit! I didn’t know it (and I’m glad for the surprise!) but there is another two hour stream today! It’s already more than half over but I’m watching from the start on YouTube).

Also, today’s blog looks awesome, but I’m saving it for this afternoon to speed up my work day. :)

Apologies for the derail but you went from learning to paint to selling your paintings in the span of a few years? That is amazing.

Wow! I looked at the first ones and your last several paintings. You have improved so much and your painting are very nice! Congrats!

It’s true, but to be clear like 60% of my sold paintings (I think I’ve sold around 10 or so) have been to family members, haha. I also have a few I didn’t sell but gave away to local business that they have hanging up, like the local dentist office and a few Magic cards I painted on canvas are in a local comic book shop.

Thank you so much!

Heck, frequently you’re best off just having two. It took me a long time to figure out that the cost/benefit after the first “settler” is a very conditional thing.

Oooh, that’s a great middle ground. IIRC you could build multiple cities (except for space marines) but the city building was minimal. IIRC lots of folks called it a “turn based RTS” but I think the base building was even less than in an RTS, though I could be misremembering. I do think that even having the ability mechanically to build cities shifts it away from the “capital + hinterlands” approach of Imperialism or Eador with significant consequences. OTOH it is a great example of a game where the “crunchiness” could really be dialed up because it didn’t lend itself as well to “I can just optimize the empire building to ignore the combat strategy”.

Yeah, that’s some great improvement and some very fast progress @Scotch_Lufkin.

Whelp. Another amazing stream that made me (somehow) love this game even more. The info just kept coming, so many increidbly smart development choices - this is really going to elevate the entire genre, my gosh.

@TriumphJordi are we getting a weekly two hour stream through launch? One suggestion I would maybe have is let’s start one with the game already in progress, maybe see some of the late-early game or early-mid game? Something to consider.

Definitely. Also don’t some of the other Paradox streams just keep on going with the current game from week to week? Either way, while the game setup and culture/race creation is very cool, IMO we don’t need to see that anymore unless you’ve made further changes to it. Showing more advanced play further in the game would be great.

To be fair, they may be playing with hot code that breaks previous saves from week to week.

Good point, didn’t think of that.

This close to release I think they have the release version locked in.

We’re still 5 weeks out, and even on yesterday’s stream they talked about new changes that were recently added to the build they were on (like adding new traits to heroes). It’s still very much in development and flux.

That’s not to say they can’t do as @Dejin suggested and have a big ongoing game of course, but I also suspect they might be trying to show off all 6 cultures before launch. I believe this makes three we’ve seen.

Having watched the stream, I really like the feature shows off the hero selection in game. No more having a single hero rock up on the doorstep of the capital and hoping they will be a good fit for the current game or future game state.

Also, road building is back (compare with Planetfall anyway), and no more builders needed to build roads. And no more settlers to build cities. I think that’s a good change.

Saw a thread about map size not being a setting when you create a game.

Is this accurate?

Correct. You choose the player distance and the map will generate around you based on that.