Alien: Isolation - Aliens, Creative Assembly, and Ripley's daughter

I’m not listening!

It enrages me that this guy says he liked Alien, and is seemingly too stupid to grasp the fact that you’re ripley’s daughter, and that Ripley’s ship was the Nostromo.

I am sure he would say he likes anything to get more views and money. :p

The only way I can sleep at night is to assume his 30 million subs are pre-highschool kids and juggalos.

So I have a naive question to ask.

I just noticed that Alien: Isolation is on sale for $40 at GetGames. I have never purchased from this distributor before. I believe they are UK based. Is Alien: Isolation region-locked and could I safely purchase a key from them as U.S. resident?


$30 Steam key on eBay. Act fast!

You can also get it for $40 from GMG with this voucher: VBHGBM-JS2VN9-0J5OFM.

I know their version works in NA, because that’s where I bought mine.

Thanks for the tip Giaddon. I took a gamble on the Ebay option not having tried that route before. I am guessing they are keys that were bundled with videocards? Hope it turns out legit.


Most of them are videocard bundle keys. I’ve snagged a few games that way.

LOL ditto. Decided to stop theorizing about something I haven’t played, and take the plunge. The game is most excellent. Just being in the fucking game space is terrifying in itself, it’s so well-realized. Anyone who loves the Looking Glass legacy, the Alien IP, or both, will love this to bits.

If anyone is still interested, that Ebay offer still has 3 available copies and I was able to redeem my key on Steam from the seller so it was legit. The key registered as “Alien: Isolation Preorder” so you should get any pre-order thingamabobs if this game had any (not sure).

Thanks again Giaddon. A month ago I had no interest in any Fall titles–I thought I was safe from the Wallet Apocalypse–and now I am in deep. Good lord, the positive reviews and feedback needs to stop.


Adam Smith writes an interesting follow-up to his review on RPS that focuses on the Xenomorph.

That’s why the context matters and it’s why, among the dark and the derelict corners of a doomed place, Giger’s creature retreats from its popular image and becomes a thing to fear once again. Isolation isn’t just the first game to retrieve the Xenomorph from the wars and the overexposure, it’s the first piece of media to return it to its role as the solitary, sinister and unknowable thing that introduced itself to the world thirty five years ago.


That eBay seller is selling physical copies of the Steam PC key meaning I have to wait for it to arrive via mail before I can use it?

He gave me an option of mailing the physical paper or emailing me the code…I took the latter option and received an email in 15 minutes. Code redeemed fine on Steam.


Has anyone tried this on a last gen console. Graphics aside I’m wondering if this is a nerfed port of the game. Can’t find any reviews online.

Just got the email for the code.

Just started this. It looks incredible. My mouth is still agape. Unbelievable. I just played Shadow of Mordor that also looked very good. But this, this is mind blowing good looking on my 570GTX. The environment is stunning. The whole ambiance is making me quiet uneasy without anything really happening. The minimal HUD is great also. I just wish there was some better “tutorial” as I stumble around and have no clue what Ripley can actually do. I prefer games that are a bit more open about the rules and parameters within the game works. I found stuff and the game told me I can craft things with blueprints, but thats it for example. On the other hand the lack of popups that declare: “do this here” requires me to really pay attention to the environment and not relax into a comfy “Game Mode”. Just on the first ship I almost missed the compartments full of parts and had a hard time finding my locker because you simply stumble around without much of a direction. I really have no sense or orientation in games without maps, it will be interesting to see how it goes in the long term.

There is a map. Press tab. It shows your objectives too.

I will check that Vesper. Did not see a key bind in the options and so far did not come up in game. Thanks!

You might want to keep an eye on Monstrum. It’s not exactly what you’re describing but there are some key parallels for sure and I’ve got to say, it’s shaping up very nicely from the demos I’ve seen.

Modders have modded the previously (tech) demo’d Oculus support back into the released version, modify some ini’s and launch with some command-line options.

GAF has the deets.

Good luck with the change of undergarments.