All good demons go to Nintendo: Diablo on switch

Yeah, I find the inventory management vastly superior on the consoles. It’s the only ARPG that organizes everything for you. All the pants you pick up get their own bucket of only pants. All the Chest pieces get put in the same chest bucket. All Axes get their own bucket. It can seem overwhelming at first, because the first thing you see isn’t an inventory but all these different categories. But once you get used to the categories, it makes sorting through inventory so much faster.

You pick some new things, and the buckets with something new in them are highlighted with a star. You quickly get used to going to them, and evaluating the new pickups. Keep it or is it junk? Press the Junk button, keep it, junk, junk, junk. Done. Keep adventuring after that.

When you get to town, there’s the “Sell all junk” button or the “breakdown all junk” at the blacksmith. It’s so much faster than messing with tetris inventory systems on the PC.

I bounced off of this a few times, both on PC and PS4. I mean… I did defeat Diablo on PC years ago. However, the Switch is a freaking perfect match for this game. I’m loving it!

Huh. I really miss the inventory management from PC. I found that much more convenient and informational. I do agree on the bucket analogy, though. Is there a way of getting info if something is an upgrade if you disregard gems? I think PC also had a mass salvage button.

Yeah, you hold the SHIFT key. On console, you can’t do it.

PC version has mass salvage by rarity, white, green, blue.

Yeah, this is one of the things I really miss.

Now that I’ve played the game for a while on Switch, I’m definitely coming around to the UI.

But I’ve just started noticing a couple of bugs with the * the shows up next to categories of things I haven’t reviewed yet.

For example, if I get a ton of new equipment and some new skills unlocked, sometimes the *'s disappear before I review them, because I looked through all of my equipment first. Or if I look through all of the skills first, sometimes the *'s disappear on all of my new equipment.

Minor inconvenience, and hopefully a bug they can fix, but a little annoying in the meantime.

My one (minor) annoyance with the system is that if I junk a new item in the inventory, it doesn’t remove it from ‘fast equip’. I have to go in there and junk it again.

Also fast equip could have an ‘identify’ for legendaries.

Yeah that too. I wonder if these bugs are carry-overs from the other console versions or if there’s a chance they might be fixed?

It’s the same in the PS4 version.

I’ve said this about the Switch for other games, but the sleep mode button is game changing for Diablo. It’s great being able to play any amount of time as life allows. I am no longer pushed into finishing up a bounty or an act in a single session. I can kill even just one group of mobs then pick right back up later that day or next week. It is really nice.

Added to that are the usual niceties of the console version plus Switch flexibility that combine to have me declaring the Switch version the definitive version. I suppose I could load it side by side to my PC version if I wanted to see the cut corners, but playing it, it looks and feels just like it did before.

The only possible drawback is that Nintendo really lacks in the online department. So if the goal is to play with buddies and microphones across the internet, this won’t cut it. In all other respects, it’s superior to other versions. IMO.

I’m having a good time with it so far playing the Season. Past level 20 and my Necromancer is bloody pyrotechnics.

Yeah, the sleep mode and the responsive UI makes short stints easy and it’s great for D3.

Someone please come uninstall this from my Switch.


Tom’s off the wagon. We need an intervention, people.

Oh, and a PSA. There is a reported bug in the Switch version for Necromancers. Curses do not stay on enemies as they should. Blizzard promises a remedy in the next update.

Aha, that explains why enemies didn’t reliably explode when they hit 15% health. Well, who uses curses anyways! GOGO BONE ARMOR!

Or, now that I’ve gotten the damage reduction unique belt power in my cube I might want to have a curse at hand. But I don’t want to drop any of my other powers. Waaaah.

Bounties are chores. Also, you need to do chores just in order to get to the chore. Tom, do you really want to have CHORES installed on your Switch?

I thought he was on the waggon…

Farming Simulator 2019 is out in a week. All the chores you could possibly want!

It’s a confusing phrase, but Deadline is correct. When someone is off the wagon, it means they are addicted again.

Every time I wake the switch it shows the ‘Press A to continue’ then it goes to the ‘Press L + R on the controller.’ screen and then I have to hit A again before playing D3.

Is this normal to have to reconfigure the controls each time you wake the device? Cause it’s annoying, especially when the joycons are physically attached to the switch.

i never hit L + R unless I’ve messed with the controller setups somehow. You can just press A twice.

It’s the only game I have that does it. Very annoying.