All-purpose gun legislation thread

The suspected gunman Ian David Long was on active duty with the US Marine Corps from August 2008 to March 2013, according to Department of Defense records.

At a news conference, Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean said Long, 28, used a .45 caliber Glock during last night’s shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California.

Thank goodness it’s not terrorism.

I think the only way we’ll get some progress on reasonable gun control is if a good old boy white guy shoots up Fox News HQ for some reason. Would have to be pretty devastating to have any effect I assume.

HA, just kidding, that would just result in even more gun sales.

Already all the usual horseshit out there about how he was a converted muslim, etc etc. Infowars is on it!

Armed guards in every bar and grill!

Guards to guard the guards.

Until every gun has its own gun, we won’t be safe.

Exactly. America will not be safe until every college kid out for a night of bar crawling is packing heat, and every 70+ year old saying prayers at temple has a shotgun by their side.

Even worse, the usual suspects saying that now is not the time to talk about gun safety.

“Worst mass shooting in … 11 days.”

But it was a white dude, so it’s not news.

Oh, good.

Amazingly, a few people in the bar were survivors of the Las Vegas mass-shooting.

One of the victims survived the Las Vegas horror, but didn’t make it out of the bar. His mother:

Susan Schmidt-Orfanos, her voice and head shaking with grief and rage, said outside her family’s home, “My son was in Las Vegas with one of his friends and he came home. He didn’t come home last night. And I don’t want prayers, I don’t want thoughts, I want gun control and I hope to God nobody else sends me more prayers. I want gun control. No. More. Guns.”

I can’t believe she’s trying to politicize her own son’s death. Doesn’t she know this isn’t the time to talk about gun control?

They’re friends of a friend. It’s been rough for her.

I found out tonight my oldest daughter had dated a guy who was killed in the shooting in Thousand Oaks. She went to Cal State Northridge and worked in a restaurant chain down there. We wondered why she had been so quiet the last two days.

This is some shit.

“It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it,” Long wrote in the first post, according to ABC. “Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought… f***it, life is boring so why not?”

In the second post, Long said, “I hope people call me insane” and that “the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’… or ‘keep you in my thoughts’… every time… and wonder why these keep happening.”

I’m sorry to hear that. That must be rough for her.

Without the Senate or Presidency they can’t possibly pass anything, but at least they’ll motivate the shit out the GOP’s base for them. Ah well, freedom was fun while it lasted.