Amazon Prime Video’s Upload by Intel Oscar Mayer

Yeah, that will be a very frustrating end if there’s no Season 3. I’m also not a fan of season-ending cliffhangers.

Wow, that was almost as great as the first season. I think it felt a lot shorter more because of the simpler plot than the fewer episodes.

No one here actually said that there would be twist at the end, but when you guys mentioned a cliffhanger I mistakenly assumed there would be one. I was banking on Choak downloading into Nathan’s body and then leveraging what he knew about the Kannermans for power/gain, or A. I. Guy doing it to get out into the real world, but whatever they actually seem to be doing works for me too.

I think I’m enjoying this season even more than the first season, or at least I’m finding it funnier.

That was… kind of a mess. Enjoyable enough, but looking back it seems like they’ve given up on any notion of having the upload technology work in a consistent way. Instead they just do whatever is funny or moves the clunky arc plot forward.

So many dropped and half-developed plot threads. What happened to the lady who apparently died at the end of the last season? What was the point of introducing the actor who served as the model for the AIs? He barely did anything. What was the point of following Choak around all day (in his laughably archaic robot body), when the only useful information they got from that was something they could have looked up from home if they’d just thought to? Did the cybercrime cop ever accomplish anything? Is Ingrid supposed to be sympathetic or a cartoon villain? How is the selling of dead people’s dreams not a subject of immediate public backlash?

Well, I heard that the series creator was barely involved with this season, so it makes sense things would take a bit of a nosedive. This is now a show that seems more interested in punchlines than ideas.

Might want to spoiler tag that, but, yeah, my enjoyment of this season is definitely based on the jokes rather than the story, whereas last season it was at least partly the other way round.

I found the second season mediocre - I only made it through for the chemistry between the leads. Everything else this season, from the new characters to side plots to jokes to ethical quandaries, were just plain contrived and cringe.

Let’s get Andy Allo in a better feature role.

Season 3 is a go!

I signed up for a week of Amazon Prime, so I feel like I should get my money’s worth by watching something during that week. So I started watching Season 2 of this show.

It’s weird watching this show. Season 1 was so cool, because it used this interesting science fiction concept to make social commentary as well as weave this murder mystery with these characters. The social commentary on commercialism and classism and the haves and have-nots was what kept me the most interested.

So watching a second season, watching the first episode, the whole social commentary thing, it feels like, has already been done in Season 1, and they can only repeat themselves. So why am I here? For the characters and the murder mystery I guess? I don’t know, it feels weird. I really wish this had been a one and done story in one season, I feel like it would have been stronger for it. The social commentary felt fresh and strong, and if they’d wrapped the murder mystery and the characters, it would have been perfect.

Anyway, I don’t mean to be too much of a downer on it. I watched the second episode of Season 2 this morning, and I have to admit, the comedy is still on point. When they get laughs, they’re good ones.

We made it through season two but thought it was pretty lame. They drifted too far from the central comedic premise and the chemistry of the leads that made season one appealing. I doubt we’ll stick with it for a new season unless reviews are strong.

Finished Season 2. They left us in an intriguing place. With Nathan. These two stars really do have great chemistry together.

All that bigger picture stuff with Freeload and swing states, I don’t really get it. So poor people in swing states will upload instead of going to vote, so it will swing the election, is that the idea?

Yup. The idea is that poor people (assumed to vote blue) will literally kill themselves to get in on the ground floor of this free virtual afterlife.

As concepts go it’s a bit demanding on willing suspension of disbelief.

And out of nowhere comes season 3!

And… it seems to have forgotten that it’s a comedy?

Yeah, it’s not as funny this season. It feels like they’re going for more of a Black Mirror vibe. Maybe not as intense, but definitely a “the future is a dystopian hellscape” thing.

That happened already in season two , to my mind.

I’m still enjoying the show! But ugh… season 3 ending on a cliffhanger. On the plus side, Greg Daniels mentioned this is the highest viewed half hour show on Prime. Seems like we’ll get a season 4.

I’m still enjoying the show, but its definitely a guilty pleasure after season 1 - not really that good.