Amazon's New World MMO

Except it’s not client side dependent. Per a dev from their official forums.

The drag the window around invincibility stuff was a serious bug to to be sure, but I guess a lot of armchair programmers jumped on the idea that must mean it was client side authoritative and now that’s internet gospel, even if it’s not quite accurate.

It doesn’t indicate client authority but it still doesn’t speak too well about them that they didn’t harden against a common attack vector that’s about two decades old.

Yes, there are for sure bugs. They are also fixing them weekly. This week’s patch notes are super important - lets see if they clean up the big messes that were found last week. I give them an A for effort, even if its only a C for impact.

Unfortunately, they’re adding them as fast or faster than they’re fixing them. I feel for the dev team, they’re probably crunching trying to get a patch out a week. I wish AGS would slow down a bit and give their team a little more time testing the fixes before deploying them.

They fixed 37 bugs in the last two weeks of patches. No, they did not introduce more than 37 bugs. :-)

Yes, I wish they introduced zero bugs, but its not “adding them faster than they are fixing them”.

Sources are the patch notes:

Hence my caveat, if what this guy says is true. I was a bit unclear in positioning the caveat, and didn’t mean to imply that client-side dependency was proven. Still, enough bugs and serious issues to make one wonder about the project management on this thing.

The game itself though is pretty entertaining, and quite competent in most respects.

Probably fair, but the impact of bugs aren’t equal. They introduced some pretty bad bugs in the trading post, fire staff, and ice gauntlet in the last patch, just off the top of my head. That was the final straw for my friends, unfortunately. No one in my group is left playing anymore. I’m setting the game aside a few months for things to settle down but I’m hoping I can convince some of them to come back when I do! :)

Reroll on Falias and join the Wanderers! Or transfer!

It’s a fun game, but I haven’t reached the end game phase which seems to be so frustrating for other players. It just feels rushed, like they really wanted it out this year. MMOs are hard work to build and test and a few flaws like New World’s can kill a community overnight.**

They had that massive redesign what… a year and a half ago? What they have accomplished is pretty remarkable, IMO. Especially when I’ve heard what a pain CryEngine can be to work with in regards to the networking side of things. Turning oldschool Lumberyard into a MMO was probably no small feat. In that sense, it’s probably not surprising to see the immunity exploits and that sort of thing. Doesn’t make it any less frustrating for me to deal with, but I can certainly acknowledge what they’ve accomplished! The game pretty much consumed 100% of my game time for an entire month. Pretty sweet deal for 40 bucks.

I’m enjoying it as a solo game with other players running around and the inane world chat when I pay attention to it. I am only level 16. I’ve played a bit here and there and skip days without logging in, which is different from how I’ve played any other new MMO.

So far just learning the game has been enjoyable. I tried the life staff yesterday for the time and loved how it keeps me alive and keeps my health topped off. I’m still in trouble if I get swarmed but otherwise do well.

There are a lot of systems I still don’t really know how they work. I’m gathering more than crafting, though I visit the crafting stations and if they let me make something, I make it. I find that I can just buy stuff at the AH rather than worry about making it. Maybe that will change at level 60? I’ve always thought that while leveling my gear doesn’t matter that much because I’ll soon outlevel it anyway. I have found plenty of cheap upgrades at the AH so far, however.

I do like the combat system. I do like it being classless. I do like the visuals – a nice break from WoW’s cartoony look, though there are some silly looking armor pieces in New World, too. I find the game surprisingly good for something that had a radical redesign 18 months ago. I’m more tolerant of flaws considering my purchase price is a sunk cost and it’s now free to play. Amazon has surprised me.

Yeah, it’s a prime (hah!) example of the conundrum facing MMO developers. The tension between creativity and innovation, reaching broad audiences, and technical complexity is hard to resolve without a lot of trial and error. And by the time you are able to beat on it with thousands of real players, which you need to do to figure things out, you’ve spent so much money on the damn thing that it can affect how you proceed from there on out.

Sounds like people were going to town with a gold dupe exploit.

EDIT: Removed Reddit link because it was ginormous when posted in Discourse.

I believe the dev when he says they’re not client authoritative, but if so I’m surprised that this kind of thing is possible. The removed Reddit link was a short video showing how the dupe was accomplished.

Not familiar with this dupe, but I know that way back in the day you could dupe items in Everquest by exploiting the interaction of client and server latency, and they definitely weren’t client authoritative.

Sounds similar to what’s going on here. Basically, complete the trade on one side then lag out the other client and cancel. Trade goes through, the recipient gets the gold but the sender never gets it deducted.

Being a developer for a live game must be utterly exhausting.

Yup, that is pretty much identical to how it worked in EQ…and that was back in 2000!

I was in Alpha and Beta. I advised my friends to not play at launch, since AGS was likely to pivot with mass feedback. My friendly mostly all listened (2-3 played, 10+ stayed out). We will jump in once the bugs settle down, maybe around a hypothetical version 1.2. It’s a solid base of a game.

I thought there would be balance and design issues they had to work through (based on the relatively recent pivot towards a PvE game). I did not think there would be so many critical flaws.

I am glad we waited.

Thanks for the answer @KevinC I agree it’s not the quantity of new bugs that matter but the quality. These are some quality bugs. :-/

Nowhere near as exhausting as working in CS and being bombarded with ticket after ticket with the same issues and having to somehow check each individual ticket is a valid problem before refunding / fixing the player. Often with a bunch of makeshift / noneexistant tools that don’t allow you to actually do your job properly…

Counterpoint. I’m glad I was there day one, I have enjoyed the game, there is a lot done well (and some stuff better than other games) and there is always an excitement being at the vanguard of a new MMO. Of course I was there at such launches as WWIIOL, Horizons and Shadowbane(.exe).