Amazon's New World MMO

Right. I understand that (and indicated as much).

Let me try again. Most of my gear is 570+ gear score. I think my overall GS is 566. Exactly one item I have equipped was a drop (earring). I have one bag, sword, shield, and two pieces of jewelry that were quest rewards. Everything else came from the broker (so crafted or a drop from someone else).

I could go out right now and get several legendary drops, but it is highly unlikely I’d replace anything I already have because the gear score would be too low. It could be weeks before I get drops that would be useful, and by then, I’d hope to have better gear crafted, which brings me to…

I need multiple legendary resources that only come from orichalcum nodes to craft that gear. All very rare and the nodes are limited. So, maximizing my mining luck is vastly more important to me right now than loot luck. And even if I decide not to make a full set of Voidbent armor, a single void ore is worth thousands of gold.

This is patch 1.1 changes. First big release.

My favorites:

“Added a +10% Luck bonus and a +30% Gathering Luck bonus to players flagged for PvP.”

“Movement speed bonus of 10% while travelling on roads.”

Plus a new weapon and new enemies.

Lets see if it stabilizes the number of players (yellow line, from SteamDB). All MMOs drop, good ones rebound. (To be clear, I am a fan and want them to rebound, and am waiting to see what happens.)


I wonder what the secret sauce is these days for MMO retention. I get the impression that what brought the boys to the yard in 1997 ain’t what does it today (duh!), but I’m not at all sure what will do the trick.

  • Fixed an issue causing certain AI to spawn more frequently than intended.

I haven’t run into this yet, but heard it was too high in some of the higher level zones? Hopefully that will help on that.

Yeah, respawn was insane in some areas. For instance, there is a quest to kill something like 3 elf druids and get a bear ass, or whatever, from them. You go to the area and see two of them on either side of a door. You hit one, and the other one comes. And then his three buddies inside all come. So you fight a bit and eventually kill them all. Run inside the one-room structure and notice there are maybe 3 chests and 2 resource locations. Click to open a chest. Midway in the middle of the opening timer, all 5 respawn.

Was able to kill Malevolence on restart for the 580 hammer quest. Hype!

Every patch deserves a trailer :-)

Missed this, another good addition:

“We now show an icon to members of your own faction when they are flagged. This should help players determine if they have nearby reinforcements or sufficient numbers for a PvP engagement.”

I am thinking about picking this up. What server are people playing on?

The Wanderers are playing in US East - Falias server, Marauder faction (green). We have fewer players than at launch, of course, but we have 10+ people who will be on and off during the day. and we are always willing to help. There are some other guilds on the server we coordinate with, Gaiscioch, AMP, and the Conquistabros to name three. So you can usually find people if you’re looking for a group.

Most people play during US east and west time zones. Most invasions (a PVE event that you do at 60) occur between 5:30 and 11 PM Eastern.

After being pushed around left and right the first few weeks of wars, green has rebounded and now controls almost all territories.

In case people haven’t tried, the harvesting bonus for being flagged is ridiculously good. If you run flagged with a full harvesting set and good food, the legendary drops become fairly plentiful. I had two void ore (my first two ever), plus 20+ each of tolvium and cinnabar in 40 minutes a couple nights ago.

As someone with no interest in pvp, they got me to flag. Kudos, devs.

I assume the highly annoying location specific storage sheds are a shit idea to encourage PvP?

I don’t think it was PVP, I think it was to facilitate local economies along with local markets (I believe the latter has been changed now to a global market?). The economy was pretty stagnant and a non-factor while I was playing so it was pretty much just a timesink for me.

…and to make owning territory meaningful. Isn’t the bank shared between towns in a region if your faction owns it?

Edit: yes.

Any two settlements controlled by the same faction will have their settlement storages linked. Players can transfer items from a storage linked to their current location for a coin fee. If the territories are not linked then your storage is localized as stated above.

Again, if you are trying to play New World like World of Warcraft, you’re going to have a bad time.

Yeah, so PvP.

I’m pretty sure the concept of a shared stash pre-dates WoW. We should not celebrate NW for shitting all over that.

You seem to really hate New World. Do you mind if I ask why you seem to be taking their design decisions so personally?

There are several very popular non-WoW MMOs that have more friendly designs, like FF14. Have you tried them?

Gamers: why do developers always make the same types of games? They should be more creative!
Also Gamers: why is this game doing something different? I want it to be the same as other games!

To be clear, I have no skin in this game. I don’t play New World and probably won’t. But I do appreciate that Amazon is trying something different and consciously made design decisions that would make the game less popular in an attempt to attract gamers who want this type of game. They could have made another theme-park MMO, but they chose not to.

I am sure it does not shock Amazon that some people do not like the fact that there aren’t traditional shared banks, or that some people don’t like to pay taxes on their house, or that some people don’t want to play a game that is very PvP focused. We should stop assuming that game developers are dumb if they don’t cater to all gamers.

It’s pretty expensive to be shipping stuff around. If you just need a piece of gear or something it’s not so bad, but as a crafter that was out of storage due to materials (and that’s the only reason I could see having to utilize multiple storage locations) I found it prohibitively expensive to be moving stuff around where you need.

A solution might be multiple house locations and recall, but that has tax implications every week as well.

To be clear, I wouldn’t describe it as “very pvp focused”. However, the systems make territory control relevant even to people that aren’t pvp players. And as I mentioned above, they encourage being flagged even for people that normally wouldn’t, and it works. I think they are doing a great job at making the game interesting for a wide variety of players.

It’s not like they’re unfamiliar with the concept. I personally don’t find that it added enough meaningful benefit to the game in its current form to be worth the tradeoffs, but they’re not trying to be a WoW-like game and a different design is going to need different answers to stuff like whether or not storage and markets are linked.