An innovative reinvention of Populous (Peter Molyneux's Godus)

Clicking balls.

This is the game that that lame Molyneux Curiousity PR stunt fed into?

Yes. A game about clicking was the prize at the center of another game about clicking. Molyneux is trolling everyone.

I trough the people that created Black & White was trying to advance computer interfaces. Avoiding “clicking on icons” and giving us a hand inside the world, defaults actions and gesture recognition.

Dungeon Keeper had a lot of “drag and drop”, the game was divided by things you can drag, and things your minions must drag (probably to a torture chamber).

Magic Carpet was a lot about marking places, flying over a map and designing places.

I think is just fitting if he do now games about clicking on things.

Manual resource collecting is what killed Black & White for me, especially when I realized that the AI could do it far more efficiently than I could, and it didn’t get bored. Spellcasting was fun, harvesting trees not so much. At least with Magic Carpet you had those balloon things that would collect resources for you.

Peter Molyneux thinks Godus won’t be free-to-play. It will be “invest-to-play.” LOL.

“What we need is a new term. And that term is more like ‘invest-to- play’. What really are we doing? We are tempting people to invest some of their money into a game.”

OK, my opinion of Molyneux has now officially bottomed out.


Jesus Christ, Molyneux…

I “invested” my money when I bought this piece of crap. Is that not enough?

Barnum was right.

It’s bad enough people think they can “invest” in kitchenware and hangers, now part of the gaming industry wants to take the term too. ugh.

The hell? No word in 4 months after we purchased this in early access , and now we got to pay more to play? Fuck it - I’m uninstalling and asking for a refund. He has clearly lost his frickin mind.

That is an excellent point. Discussion about how Godus will be monetised in game - ie any hint that it may be a F2P model (I refuse to repeat his new phrase) is a massive ‘fuck you’ to those that backed this thing or bought it on early access in the first place.

Thankfully that was not me.

I think hes talking about the mobile versions which we’ve always known were going to be some sort of free-to-play model.

I’m not so sure. Is he building two different games? The KS was for all platforms. Will he deliver a paid game for PC and some sort of F2P model for mobile? How can that make backers happy? How can F2P mechanics be so heavily ingrained in a game that is a satisfying experience for both sets of players?

Fuck, how long does this Curiosity winner guy need to wait to even get his supposed payday?

I’m with Razgon, he’s lost the plot. If he is fucking around with inventive F2P style mechanics, fine, but Godus is not the platform via which to deliver them when he has commitments to well over 20,000 backers to deliver a satisfying, consistent product across multiple platforms.

The industry is moving fast and he has lost touch with it. Yet, it has been proven that there is value in tradition and instead of exploiting that, he insists to pretend he is still on the edge. It just ends up like an old man with Alzheimer mumbling and it is rather sad.

I had to check to see how much I backed this turd for, thank goodness it was only like $20 , no way in hell is he getting another penny from me till I get a finished game. Not 40% of a game that isn’t that good.

This one is a couple of weeks old. Every time I read about Godus, I become more confused as to what Molyneux is actually doing.

8 million simultaneous connected players, vague monetisation strategy described as invest to play, mobile gameplay, early access users that have only seen the barest ‘slither’ of the whole game (but that resulted in entire systems needing to be re-done), a level of detail not even shown, let alone put in the hands of testers, with a projected ship date as soon as April.

I don’t have any confidence that this is going to turn out like anyone expected. Time will tell whether that is a good or bad thing, I guess, but I am glad I have no stake in it and can watch from the sidelines.

Umm possible update today? Wut?

I’m an investor!
