Andor - September 21st - Disney Plus

super weird take, I like that top one, guess I’m fascist. my favorite color combo is red black and white too, according to another thread that makes me a nazi sympathizer. People are pretty weird.

Wow, ok I did not expect this thing to be taken so seriously. It was meant mostly in jest. Of course you can like the “imperial look” regardless of politics. Heck, my computer is a box that would fit beautifully in Darth Vaders’ mediation room. Fuck. Am I a fascist too? A cryptofascist perhaps?

I do find it strange to see the rise of this sort of black/red/brutalist aesthethic coincide with the normalisation of fascist and extreme right views in public discourse since the 2010s. Just tickles my pattern-recognition bone.

I thought it was a funny/fun post. As far as fashionable looks, I would guess that we are just seeing an inevitable swing away from blonde wood, after so many decades, if that’s happening. I’m completely out of the loop on new construction trends.

Dan Murrell mirrors my feelings on Andor almost exactly.

All I have to say about Andor after finishing Season One is bring on Season Two! This show was fantastic! The 10-year-old in me still loves all of the good vs. evil, space dogfights, Jedi laser swords and general pew-pew of the vast majority of the Star Wars franchise, but the adult in me was absolutely floored by how much I didn’t know I wanted a Star Wars show exactly like Andor, and how much I can’t live without it now. I hope it is successful, because Disney needs to do more like this.

Ranking of Star Wars shows (that I have seen), from bad to good.

The Book of Boba Fett
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Mandalorian

Huge quality gap. The Mandalorian is fun, but also aimless, and doesn’t have much to say. The best Mando stuff was like episodes 1-3 of season 1, which actually play out like a nice, self-contained movie. Hard to think of nice things to say about Boba Fett and Obi-Wan.

Andor is the show I was least interested in. But it’s going to make going back to the usual Star Wars stuff pretty difficult.

Oh, phew…

I agree with your post completely. I hope one of the Qt3 lurkers is a Disney+ exec who sees how much Andor has sparked joy in a bunch of jaded middle aged men, and endeavours to finance comparable content in the future.

As someone who’s been in the architecture field for a long while, I would bet that both the client and the architect on a house like that are left AF, and that had zero impact, nothing to do with the form that the house ended up with.
It’s just a house, not the hecking Führermuseum.

From the very start, a rebellious spirit was in the air. “Fiona’s voice was over all of us,” Gough says, recalling the finale’s fire-and-fury funeral monologue from Ferrix’s formidable matriarch. “Except, at the end, she didn’t say, ‘Fight the Empire!’ She said, ‘Fuck the Empire!’ Which we were all really excited about. But we weren’t allowed to keep it, obviously.” Even behind the scenes, Andor wasn’t your typical Star Wars show.

I think I like “fight” instead of “fuck.” If Fiona Shaw’s hologram had dropped the F-bomb in her speech, I think that would’ve taken over the discourse about Andor for years much like when Star Trek characters started cursing.

This makes me feel worse about the show, like we got something good by accident because some exec didn’t want the word “fuck” in the show and not by good decisions being made in the writing room.
“Fight the Empire” just makes much more thematic sense. And it flows better, there’s a whole part in the speech about fighting back just before.

Cyril would disagree, pretty sure he wants to fuck the empire.

I’m going to guess that, on top of fucks, (so to speak), Disney Execs are also why we didn’t see Corv get properly shanked.

Vel pointed out the blood on Cinta’s hand and I was like “Where!?”

It’s a Star Wars show on Disney+. I seriously don’t know why people would expect F-bombs and lots of human blood to make it onto the screen.

Despite the limitations, this is far and away the most mature storytelling in Star Wars and one of the best shows in 2022.

Except it doesn’t fit what we know about the character. Cursing doesn’t really make writing better.

As for the shanking, I thought it was pretty obvious what had happened.

I feel the decision to hold the level of gore and cursing to PG13 levels was a fine choice for Andor. They didn’t need the more graphic presentation as the acting, direction and writing was all so good, and fit the themes so well. There are times when a keeping the impact of violence down weakens a film or show (I feel like the first Hunger Games movie lost a lot of impact by sticking to PG13) but that wasn’t the case with Andor.

It all depends on the material and on the direction and acting.

As a riff on these thoughts, we’ve talked a lot of about the acting in this show, which was very strong, but so was the directing. I don’t know that much about the various directors, but as a collective effort, they did a fantastic job IMO.

Even if it had, like in Blade Runner, it could still be the right creative choice. (Controversial aside, I actually prefer “I want more life, father.”)

They swear elsewhere in Andor, so I’m not sure what the big deal is. Maybe they were trying to keep it PG-13 level, and they already used their one “fuck” somewhere?

GyRo uses :laughcryemoji:

It has no effect.

It might have been a sacrificial draft to let standards and practices feel like they’ve earned their pay.

I don’t recall them dropping an f-bomb anywhere. Family show, and all that.

I always felt the cursing in the Marvel movies was unnecessary because of how many kids watched the Avengers movies. Granted the Captain America “Do you kiss your mom with that mouth” was funny, but come on, it’s a movie franchise selling to children.

I don’t think the word “fuck” exists in the Star Wars universe, does it?

I remember being really indignant during one of EA’s Battlefront games when the voice over for one of the pilots calls an AT-ST a “chicken walker”. And I was all, like, “what the fuck, Electronic Arts, there are no such thing as chickens in the Star Wars universe!” I mean, I don’t care, but you’d think Electronic Arts would!

It wasn’t until I had been running around saying this to people for a while, thinking it made me seem really clever and thoughtful to realize such a thing, that someone pointed out if falcons exist, then why not chickens? I didn’t have a response to that…