Android Games Thread

A pretty grim sign for the future of native Android game development if emulation is the only argument. I have my DS if I want to play Fire Emblem or Advance Wars and I don’t need to mess with some clunky on screen control pad.

Emulation of older games is whatever, but it’s maybe worth noting that piracy is generally frowned upon in this forum. Just a heads up.

There is no doubt that Android is currently (and ironically) the Mac of smartphone gaming.

It’s grim for the current situation of Android game availability. The future of game development of Android is fine, if Google (or Amazon) eventually figure out a way to harness the purchasing power of the Android ecosystem.

I don’t do too much mobile gaming (I like to use my commuting time for my reading addiction instead) but it does bug me that there’s no reason given as to why I can pay for and download every EA Mobile game except Bejeweled 2. There are two seemingly identical versions of Bejeweled 2 on the marketplace and neither is available to me. Is it because I’m in the UK? On O2? Very odd.

Same here (UK / O2 / HTC Desire). Looked for it yesterday, but couldn’t find it.

So what’s the Android port of Majesty like? I’m trying to download the demo, but it keeps failing at the end.

There is an android app that lets you use the wii controller with the android phone. Not sure if that is interesting to anyone or not.

Frankly though, based on my experience with my ipod touch, the games on ios just aren’t real impressive. They remind me of the kind of casual flash based games, which you can play on any android phone.

Son of a bitch! I hate the google market. I would gladly buy this and try it but I can’t because they fucking charge in something other than the dollar. Fucking irritating.

I’ve bought something that wasn’t in my local currency. Google Market converts automatically …

Am I misunderstanding?

I think that’s right. That’s why you see things like ~$1.99.

Is there a game like Infinity Blade on android?

I game on both an itouch and a Droid X (which may have the biggest android screen for a phone). The Droid does not come close to the touch for gaming content and ease of use.

The market shows prices in the local currency, but charges in the seller’s currency. This causes a lot of US banks to block purchases through the Google Checkout from foreign sellers.

Based on anecdotes, foreign developers who sell through the market see 10-30% of their sales canceled/blocked because of this problem.

It will be interesting to see what - if any - impact the Amazon app market will have. They are certainly bringing out the big guns to ensure a strong launch - getting Angry Birds Rio as an Amazon exclusive cannot have come cheap.

It’s free today in the Amazon app store.

Only for the US, though. And it’s ratings are getting hammered as a consequence too …

Not at all surprised to see this decision coming back to haunt Amazon. Regional limitations on download services are stupid.

How is it coming back to haunt Amazon?

Lots and lots of pissed off customers spamming their appstore (Angry Birds Rios currently has a 3 star rating - which is absurd for such a popular and anticipated game).

In addition, the lack of a World release of Angry Birds Rio will generate immense amounts of interest in piracy groups to crack the Amazon DRM (which is one of their selling points to developers), due to the prestige involved. I give it a week.

People are flipping out over a $1 game?

I heard Chairman Mao is cutting off Amazon from selling to China. And sending his troops to Bezos’ house. Shit’s getting real!