Android Games Thread

Yes if you want games get an iPhone.

I have a ds. It doesn’t fit in my pocket, and I can’t take it to work.

If you want a phone that plays games trust me get an iPhone.

Be sure to get the one with the bigger GBs.

just get an itouch

But he also wants a phone.

But if he wants a smartphone only for games and not for phone calls then the iPod touch is the best choice.

If you like physical buttons Xperia play should be considered, look for reviews in the next month.
As outside observer I think there is no question that IOs offers a bigger choice in games but given that Android is the market leader I would be surprised if the situation doesn’t level more closely in the next year. In either way, I’m of the opinion that regardless of the platform there are always more games to play than time to play them.

I was debating whether to swap out my Droid X for an iPhone and decided not too. I got a free iTouch and use that for gaming and movies. This way I don’t drain my phone battery playing games. I noticed that when my phone battery goes 1/2 way down i’ll stop using it for games and such in order to conserve battery life.

No I need a new phone too, I just don’t care that much beyond the phone and basic web access (don’t really care/know about rooting, eg). I need the phone, and the games are going to make the choice for me.

If you prefer choices made for you, iPhone is definitely the way to go.

Android gaming isn’t as bleak as it seems, and has come a long way in the last 2 months. I expect to see more coming soon. The Xperia Play, as stated, could change that a lot, as Sony will also be introducing a Playstation Suite store that will enable you to purchase, download, and play (I think) the entire PSOne library.

Yeah I will believe that when I see it.

Android has a long way to go to catch up to iOS on the gaming front (not to put to fine a point on it, but again the most discussed game recently in this thread is a direct rip off of a best selling iOS game from 2009). I think it has tons of potential, but there is no question right now which one is the better gaming platform.

Woah, what?! The entire library? Even a significant portion of it would be nuts. I played with the Xperia at GDC and wasn’t too impressed, but if the library gets good…

That’s right, it’s clearly the one with the full suite of emulators. I had an iPhone for about three weeks before returning it and going with Android instead, and while there were some decently entertaining games on it, none of them come close to having Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Ogre Battle, Chrono Trigger, etc. always at the ready.

If you only count native software, then you’re absolutely right… but why would you do that?

Because most casual Android users (myself included) have no clue about non-native software.

Casual Android users, sure, but if you’re a gamer deciding between iOS and Android on the basis of their game libraries, then the emulator library should definitely be taken into account.

I like emulators just fine, but i find them impossible to use on a touch screen. Tried to play some tactical RPGs and stuff, but without physical buttons it was just horribly awkward.

While the emulators are cool and great and all that if you want to play new stuff then the iPhone is the way to go. Also if you really want emulators you can just jail break your iphone and do the same thing.

I just configured the back and search buttons as A and B to solve that problem. The onscreen d-pad still isn’t ideal, but it’s adequate for turn-based stuff.