Android Games Thread

Been playing DD on my Epic4G (Galaxy S phone).

I’m on the 4th dungeon and so far I’ve been having a blast. For 3 bucks the bang/buck can’t be beat.

It is a bit laggy loading the game, but once in the dungeon the performance is good. It has crashed twice: once to desktop and another time it crashed the whole phone.

Ugh. Just realized that the Philippines doesn’t have access to the paid apps in the Android Market. Bummer. So I guess no Dungeon Defenders for me until they open up the Market in my side of the World.

I’ve been trying to purchase it…

Can’t charge it to my tmobile account for some reason.
Won’t accept Amex as a valid card, even though it worked for other android apps.
Every time I try Visa, it seems to show as purchased, but won’t let me download and sends me an email there was a problem with payment.

I just want to play this game… what the fuck…

It’s an international thing. I can’t get my AMEX to pay for anything not in dollars. Visa works fine though.

I completed my Android game!

Pixel Idols:

Send me a PM (with your email and QT3 username) if you want a copy of the full version.

Requires 2.2 and the ability to upload an APK to your phone.

Feedback appreciated.


My new addiction has been Bubble Blast 2. It’s free and has 1500 levels/puzzles. The kicker is you are only allowed one hint every 24 hours, but I’ve made it 450 puzzles in so far with no sign of slowing down.

Your website says it doesn’t work on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S running 2.2).

Your website refuses to let me download for my Galaxy S running 2.2, because it says it’s not compatible with my phone.

Does your phone fall into the following category?

Samsung: GT i5510 Galaxy, GT i5800 Galaxy 3, GT i5801 Galaxy Apollo, GT i9000 Galaxy S, GT M110S Galaxy S, GT P1000 Galaxy Tab, SCH i500 Fascinate, SCH i500 Showcase, SPH D700 Epic 4G

If so, I’m not sure why GetJar won’t let you download.

If you have the ability to install an APK, I can email it to you.


I have a Samsung Vibrant.

edit: got it and installed… Hmm… Feint seems to be unable to initialize… And trying to send a crash report fails, too.

Is the whole app crashing - or just Feint?


Feint can’t start, so the whole app just seems to crash.

Yes fuck google for this. If you really want to play the game you can google for the apk and install it from there. I cant buy a lot of things on the google market place because of this issue.

We get so many android support emails are from people for whom Google Market is busted. We get 10 times more of these emails than for anything iOS related, even though our iOS sales are orders of magnitude higher. I really wish they would get their act together.

sent you a new version.

Kongregate app for Android has just been released:

No shortage of games now! Granted, they’re mostly simple little Flash time-killers, but for gaming on my phone I’d say that’s exactly what I’m looking for.

Released on their site as it’s been yanked from Google Market:

Oh what the fuck…

What the fuck is wrong with the google market?

I just updated two apps ten minutes ago? Worked fine for me assuming you meant an actual outage, it’s early for me).

+1 Smile