Android Games Thread


I meant that article that peter linked. Thats a load of shit.

Yeah, seems like a bunch of nonsense to me. Especially since you could still install it anyway.

Thank you Steve for sending the apk via e-mail so quickly (<4 hours tops). Some thoughts as I loaded and tried the game follow.

using Droid X with latest 2.2 firmware update.

3x crashes due to feint (selected Yes to try to reload each time just in case). When selecting No, it actually loaded the pixel idols game.

Once game is loaded:

Does not change help screen from vertical to horizontal layout automatically, but text/help is legible and useful otherwise.

Selecting the ‘Achievements’ option of the main menu, again, gives (the identical) error message:
“Feint couldn’t initialize
Would you like to send a crash report and wait for recovery”.

Again, selecting No lets you proceed (back) at the main menu. Not sure if Achievements actually work.

Control type defaults to trackball, changed to touch and controls were responsive to touchscreen accurately. Not sure why it defaults to trackball on a phone without one.

Played initially to Wave 5, and had only one small bit of slowdown on Wave 3, not sure why, as there were no unusual numbers of point pixels or enemies on screen at the single lag point.

Initial thoughts: it’s a good game to jump into when you have a minute or two, but I only played on Easy, so I was in no danger of dying. More interested in technical aspects on first run.

Ugh, that Feint is killing me.

Thanks for the feedback.


I guess it’s banned because it’s considered an in-app market, because you download the flash games to your phone? That’s weird. It doesn’t matter anyway, if you can just install the APK from their site.

Sorry it’s an issue, hoping to play the game itself more tomorrow (NFL today took first priority). It has potential to be fun once I get into it more.

Sent a new version to everyone. Apologies for making you all inadvertent beta testers.


Yeah, pulling the Kongregate app was surprising – sounds like something Apple would do. But it definitely has to do with their “non-compete” clause, and the fact that the Kongregate wasn’t just a collection of games, or a portal to web-games, but functioned as an avenue to distribute games, and that rubbed Google the wrong way.

Right or wrong, at least they were up-front about the why of it.

Hmm, now that it’s back on the marketplace I downloaded it and I get “Sorry! The connection was refused by the host” no matter what I try and launch from Kongregate. I signed up, in case that was it and no difference. Does it not work over 3G? Or is it US only? It’s not communicating either restriction to me so…

Attempting to run it on my HTC Desire 2.2 phone.

On Droid X with latest 2.2 (not rooted), worked fine just now. Downloading via 3G but in the US so I can’t rule out a country issue.

I rooted my phone recently and got the market enabler, spoofed a US carrier and got access to paid apps. But when I tried to buy Game Dev Story it turns out my country isn’t supported yet for payments, so even though I have my credit card on file with Google Checkout, it just spits out a server error on the Android side. Disappointing since those guys don’t sell the game through SlideME!

Also, the Kongregate app is now far less useful. Instead of saving the games locally for offline play they just get saved in the browser’s cache, which means a restart will erase them.

When I tried it again late last night there was an update and that seems to have sorted me out. Works fine now on wifi and 3G.

Note that I have to redownload the games if I restart the Kongregate app, not just reboot the phone. Still only a couple Mb/game, but it could add up.

I’m not usually a big tower defense guy, but this game is pretty cool.

Hex Defense:

Also free version/demo to try it first. Fun little game.

Edit-holy crap, I can’t stop playing this damn thing!

Oh hey I can actually buy this one.

Oh yeah did I mention that this thread sucks? Its not unlike the overall state of android.

Just as an FYI:
It appears to be basically a direct copy of the iOS game Geodefense Swarm – including that level design in the screenshot. I mean, all tower defense games are pretty darned derivative but this is just a straight rip down to graphic style and everything.

A clone of a game that’s already been cloned, I believe.

I liked Defensoid though. Had no idea it was a rip.

Not having played those other two games, I have no idea. Then again, how many Tetris clones have come out since that was released (some of which were great)? It’s fairly expected I would think.

Also I am not sure why but the game runs really bad on my droid x.