Android Games Thread

I use a sale notifier app. It doesn’t seem to catch all the sales, though.

I don’t. Instead, I started adding all apps of interest to my wishlist because that’s easier to access and it shows pricing on the list page. Of course, I started cluttering my wishlist with free apps too (just because I didn’t want to bother downloading them at the time–or I thought they looked rough and I might want to download/try them a few months in the future), so it’s grown a bit too long to be useful.

Alright, thanks guys. I guess I’ll try that app. You’d think Google could have managed to come up with a slightly more useful interface for its app store, though.

Look what neogaf found! NANACA†CRASH!! - Free - 1,000,000% off.

I don’t really want to bump a 9 years old thread, so I’ll link to it instead.

EDIT: There’s a tutorial now! In Engrish!

Summoner Wars just came out on Android, finally. It says it has cross-platform multiplayer. I haven’t rebought it or tested if there are any problems with this version yet, but it’s well worth checking out for anyone who hasn’t yet.

Also, Amazon is bribing people to use its Android app store with $20 worth of credit for free today. If you open the app, the daily promotion is eight photography apps that are not only free, but come with 100 Amazon coins ($1 worth). Then you can go buy GTA: San Andreas for 700 coins, and get 2,000 back as a promotion. It’s only compatible with Kindles, but for -$13 I don’t mind having an app I can’t use.

Huh. It doesn’t seem to be compatible with Note 2, what gives playdek? I was probably going to re-buy all the factions I already have on IOS too.

Not compatible with my Note 1 either :(

Hmmm. I’m not familiar with Summoner Wars, but it says it’s compatible with my Nexus 7 (2012) so I guess I’ll give it a try. (Play store link)

I’m also working on this Amazon coin trick. FYI: It seems like I have to let each of the photo apps download (and then I reject the install request) before I’m seeing the coins.

You can also just use the Amazon site to “purchase” the apps, get the coins within minutes, and download them later.

Humble Bundle has a new android & Steam deal:

Draw a Stickman: Epic
Galcon Legend (and Galcon Fusion)
Skulls of the Shogun
Metal Slug 3
Field Runners 2
Breach & Clear

Plus a mystery game to be revealed later. Does anyone have any experience with Breach & Clear? What’s the iap like?

Owen’s pretty positive review.

Hey, everyone, a game made by my friends and former colleagues at Idol Minds (and for which I was contracted to write the main storyline dialogue) has been released on the Play Store. It’s called Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet and it’s based on the Honor Harrington novels by David Weber. The style of gameplay is basically real-time ship duels with missile volleys and countermeasures flying back and forth. There are also some RPG-type elements of enhancing and upgrading your ship and crew. The game is free-to-play with IAPs, but I can attest that it’s possible to get through without spending anything. If it sounds any good to you, please give it a try.

I’ll give it a crack, but gotta say, I despise this shit with a passion:

You can turn off notifications for any Android app in Settings-> Apps then select the app and untick the box for Show Notifications.

Great stuff, thanks for that.

Never knew that. Thank you!

That sounds excellent, especially if there’s some sort of story involved. I’d rather it was free to try (with a demo) instead of F2P with IAPs, but I’ll definitely give it a try.

I also have to quote this review on the Play store:

If, like me, you initially assumed that this was a game about blue water naval combat, then the review above might strike you as a reasonable comment from a wargaming grognard. However, as I was reading that review I noticed a screenshot and realized that this is a game about (presumably fictional) spaceship combat. :-) I suppose there’s an argument that naval-based ship classifications should carry over to futuristic spaceships, but I still found that pretty amusing.

I’m considering this deal (mostly for Skulls of the Shogun). Unfortunately, I think I already own Metal Slug and Breach and Clear from a previous humble bundle.

I’ve only played the first few missions of B&C, but it seems like a pretty decent (for the tablet) turn-based tactics game. It uses a WeGo system and some standard modern weapons that work a bit like Frozen Synapse (e.g., I think the shotgun may fire a bit faster so that soldier has the edge up close, but other weapons have better range, etc.) The graphics are more realistic than Frozen synapse, but my memory is that it felt a bit less polished, I didn’t love the setting/aesthetic, and it may not have much for stand-out mechanics.

I’d forgotten that it even had IAPs, but I just opened the app to check: It looks like the typical ‘marketplace’ where you can buy everything in the game with either game cash (earned through missions) or real cash. This includes weapon upgrades, single use abilities (e.g., ‘UAVs’ to spot enemies or provide air support), and cosmetic junk that–frankly–looks a bit ugly IMO. I haven’t played enough to judge whether it’s balanced to force players into IAPs, but that’s certainly not my impression.

I also can’t really tell if it has a meaningful story/single player campaign, but I assume that’s answered in a review somewhere.

He is probably an Honor Harrington nerd, MrPinguin. The books are a style of sci-fi that lends itself to that kind of geeking out, and there’s a small but dedicated fanbase who have generally been complimentary of the game, but also picky about some of the technical details.

I hope you give it a try and enjoy the story. As a contractor without day-to-day input on development, it was a little hard to see elements of my story pushed and pulled here and there in ways I don’t think always worked. Also, there is a decent amount of content that was sprinkled in and around my story that isn’t quite up to my standards. But the central storyline plotting and dialogue is mine and I hope it shines through.