Another desktop wallpaper thread

I tried it out myself and it’s a cool idea, but the free version looks kind of bad (low res, sounds like, until you pay for it) and the “unlicensed” spackled all over the screen also make it look bad, which limits my desire to pay for it (because I want to see how it’s GOING to look, and I have a hard time picturing that). It’s kind of expensive, and I can’t figure out what the difference is between the various pricing options, so I bailed. I love the idea though.


Like Tim I downloaded it, clicked around, saw nothing happen, uninstalled. Things must work differently in Macworld.

LEGO Star Wars

Current background on the work computer:

Courtesy Ars Technica.

I’ve been playing Hollow Knight, and having discovered most of the map, I grabbed a pretty nice wallpaper of it it I found online. I’ve used it as my background for a few days now. :)

My current desktop:

Been using this since November.

I have a hard time finding images that aren’t too “busy” to function as a background. I still use desktop shortcuts, so it’s an issue. Macro photography with a blurry background usually works well.

Updated by wallpaper background today. :)

Wallpaper I am using in honor of my GOTY pick for 2019. :)

I love this so much, I did some tweaking and extended it out so it fits in my dual-display setup. Thanks for sharing!

Really nice @Scotch_Lufkin

Thanks! Gave me a chance to play around with GIMP finally.

Love what you did with it!

I <3 that!

Not sure when this got updated, but I’ve been using it for a few weeks now.

Why is there a war between 8 and 9?

The War Doctor!

I have a screencapture of

that I use for my wallpaper.