Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

You mean it’s pretty bad for a game to release without proper explanation or tutorial of how its systems works? Well, I agree with you!

Exactly. Quality criticism is an honest portrayal of the critic’s experience with the game. If it didn’t explain how to do combos, or he missed it, that’s a mark against the game, not the critic.

Ybarra, stop.

Patrick Klepek comments on the first tweet from Ybarra.

Yea, the game might be a bit weak in explaining stuff.

One thing I certainly miss as I’ve been killing loads of mobs is there ingame lore section for – pretty much everything – is … not good. Albeit similarly weak as previous bioware games (SWTOR for example).

Maybe I got spoiled by the tome of knowledge in Warhammer, or the descriptive texts in Divine Divinity but it would’ve been nice if after killing a set emount of mob type you’d unlock a little lore section about them, maybe with a drawing and whatnot, and once you’ve killed even more you’d unlock information on their weak spots, elemental vulnerability/combo vuln, even more kills and you’d be able to do XX more damage to the targets as well as maybe unlocking special cosmetics.

Instead you get this for one of the enemy types i’ve killed lots.


The game should introduce the concept, but I noticed ice/lightning combos the very first mission I ever ran, once I selected my javelin (Storm). I noticed it because of the giant COMBO displayed on the screen when I zapped a frozen dude.

They absolutely need to explain the idea, but it didn’t seem hidden either.

There should be some kind of banner in the bottom when they discuss it.

No, that’s definitely not what I mean.

It’s absolutely valid criticism for a reviewer to point out exactly that sort of thing. It’s true that it’s bad.

But at the same time, if someone is going to professionally review a game, then there is some expectation that they would actually dig a little deeper than the average user, in order to give a complete review.

In this case, you would have to essentially have no background on the game at all to not know about combos. Just reading a thread like this would have tipped you off to it.

I guess some of the combos are better explained than others. But I guess with some elements not triggering ‘after effects’ on targets also makes it hard to get the combo streak going. Perhaps tomorrows patch will alleviate some issues.

If you disable “hit messages” to only show crits it also disables all combo messages and elemental damage messages.

The ingame “library” has this to tell you about one skill:


The Focus Seal says this:


Neither explain that this will freeze a target setting it up for a combo with x/y other abilities.

That Storms melee attack could trigger combos I learned earlier in this thread.

But this item does indicate something:

And this:

Is Combo Effect Chain the same as Chain Combo, I wonder.

Every melee will trigger combos, with the exception of the rangers. He uses an electrified mace which will prime electric combos.

Yeah, that just means it creates a chain combo, which is Storm’s javelin specific combo type.

I think it is fair to criticize the game for not explaining stuff that it should (many other games have done this, e.g. Warframe, but that doesn’t excuse it). However, as noted already, the term appears all over and you’d think someone who cared would bother to do a google search for “wtf is anthem combo” or something of the sort.

There was no mention of a combo in the tutorial? They should have put that in there for sure.

Seems like some of the patch content is added already.

The whole thing should be live sometime in the next few hours.

Some other really cool things from today’s stream:

They are going to add vanity chests to strongholds in a few weeks. You will get keys from daily challenges. When you use a key, everyone in squad gets something. There will be emotes, vinyls, and more.

Because players have asked for a way to replay missions, they are going to experiment with making legendary versions of the first few missions. These will also be in a few weeks. If people like them, they will convert more of them.

We will be getting a more detailed 90-day calendar soon.

Ben Irving slipped up (I think) and referred to the Act 1-3 graphic as a “year calendar”.

They’d like to add more support gear options relatively soon. Ultimates are also something they want to add, but these will be further down the road.

Saw someone wearing the N7 armor, wonder where they got that from.

It is a vinyl in forge.

PSA: I see people saying the update is preventing them from launching.

Freeplay is really annoying with all the ‘the server is shut down’ disconnect messages…

Not to mention that 1-2 hours of “loot” was lost because of it. Rejoined game and had another shutdown 15 minutes later.

Edit: Seems like the earlier loot was moved directly to vault.

Spent a few hours on the preview thingy a few weeks back and enjoyed it. Just logged in and ran thru the tutorial mission and the first mission after that. The first real mission was tough as I did is solo. Lots of dodging and maneuvering to wait til my ultimate charged up. Still, it was helpful in learning the various controls.

I’m on PC and using the controller since during the beta this seemed to be the preferred controls on Qt3. Is this still the consensus? I like the flight and movement control with a controller, but aiming is still a pita.

Flight with mkb is greatly improved since the demo. I’ve had a much better time playing that way. The only thing I changed from the default was putting melee attack and the support ability on the side buttons of my mouse.