Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

I’ve had a few competent groups on PC use the radio - sparingly - with very smooth and quick stronghold runs.

The few shit groups I’ve had with voice com has been the ‘open mic mouthbreaking speaking in ‘foreign’ with friend/family/phone’. Luckily there was both a mute and a mute+block option in the ui.
Didn’t make the run any smoother though, cause open mic mouthbreathing asshole probably translates into a moron when it comes to playing the game as well.

Had one crash as I finished an event, didn’t get any loot from it.

Had one crash while in a group, managed to rejoin.

There’s a Titan event at the moment to kill 4 named Titans - taking forever to kill. THey patched in so that, if you are dead, you do not miss loot. But the didn’t fix it so that you get progress for the kill if you are dead, so we had to kill 5 of them for the Decal unlock Challenge Achievement.

After playing for about 1-2 hours, sound crapped out.

Was informed that chest loot in freeplay got nerfed because a streamer made a video about how they got a lot of masterworks in a full day of playing…

They nerfed chest drops in freeplay and non-stronghold missions, as both were being exploited. You can still get plenty of epics that way, but not masterworks or legendaries.

If anyone on pc has a contract I could join them for tomorrow, I’d really appreciate it (need 3).

Yes, they had to nerf open world chests because assholes were going into gm3 and grabbing chests without fighting anything.

Was surprised to get a masterwork drop at level 23 this evening.

If anyone wants to do the Titan event, you can go into freeplay on easy and they go down pretty fast. Heck I even soloed one, which did take a little while.

That’s the most frustrating part of Anthem: there is genuine joy bubbling underneath the layers of mediocrity. The suits are built to explore Anthem ’s visually stunning landscape. The combat itself is a lot of fun. It’s a great riff on class-based shooters, and each of the four playable Javelin suits has been balanced, especially after the “day one” patch released before the game’s official launch.

To be fair to that reviewer, when I look at the landscape I lose my ability to move or cast spells.

But both Destinies were technically solid and excellent, now and at launch. Anthem is not.

Both Destiny and Anthem seem to have some serious problems with the production of content in a timely manner, though.

Actually I believe that if Anthem had the technical performance of Destiny it would be at least twice as popular despite all the other issues with design and content. When you have this style of game that you expect to play for many, many hours then it’s mandatory, the utmost priority, THAT IT RUNS WELL.

But you guys (I mean in general, not the one I quoted) need to realize Anthem (and Andromeda) didn’t get low reviews because of some conspiracy, but because they are poor games. It’s true that there’s an amount of “dogpiling”, but it’s the same dogpiling you see now on Apex Legends: it cuts both ways.

Guess what? Apex Legends, a game some people play 10 hours a day… RUNS WELL.

Game developers keep underestimating how much the “running well” part is important.

The low review scores, and general opinion, is due to the emergent effect of the mixing of different aspects of the game that are bad: bad performance, loading times, bugs, misery of life (opposed to quality of life, like being able to change your loadout), non existent AI, “bad shooting” (again due to non existent AI).

The game is “fine”, but when you add up all of those chores and unpleasantries, the emergent taste is mediocre.

And what’s the “skill and mobility” of enemies in Anthem? Because this is the problem and why some people say it’s “shallow”. The fact you can fly around it’s fun on its own, but it’s almost completely detached from the core. That is shooting enemies. Enemies that cannot fly around and can’t even navigate around a rock.

The only difficulty is for being one-shot. The gameplay just isn’t there.

I’ve seen some comparison to Monster Hunter, but MH is successful because of the MONSTERS. Because they have at least some patterns that you have to learn, like a boss in Dark Souls. They are fun because they feel like real entities. They have clever design, animations, coding. Anthem is Monster Hunter without the monsters. In Anthem they completely forgot to create the stuff you are supposed to shoot at, and that makes the shooting meaningful and fun. You’re shooting at placeholders.

The problem is that Bioware probably just doesn’t know how to make that game anymore, even if they tried. The mistake was moving away from what they knew how to do, and the result is that now they can’t do anything of value regardless of what it is.

And no, Anthem is disliked by the people who expected a better Destiny, Warframe or The Division, and Anthem is not better at all.

This is like all those mmorpgs taking a shot at World of Warcraft despite not being even remotely close as good as WoW. Despite those Destinies having their own large pool of issues and not being exactly unassailable. People were expecting Anthem to DESTROY Destiny, especially right now that Destiny is going through a very long drought of content that is going to fee like a slog through the desert until next year (on top of rumors that Destiny 3 won’t be on PC, so you also have that big market untapped if you wanted to take a bite…)

And this time no one was fooled (I hope).

Is there a way to turn off the word COMBO in the game? I find it so dumb seeing it pop up. Like they couldn’t have found any other possible visual cues to show a combo occurred.

Road map is out

It’s great that they’re showing all the upcoming stuff, but I wish they’d taken a little time to provide at least a basic description of what each of these things are, and maybe what the rewards would be.

For instance, I realized the other day that I was working towards the daily/weekly/monthly challenges without any idea of what I’m actually getting for doing them.

Last night I switched from my Storm for the first time. As I need to get some good gear for my Colossus before I try a Stronghold on hard, I’m trying to just do quickplay.

So far the results this morning.

Quickplay #1. Load in to expedition underway. It’s bugged. Can’t progress. Exit expedition.

Load screen to get the results screen.

Load screen to go to Tarsis. Go back into my Colossus. Choose quickplay again.

Load screen.

Quickplay #2. Same result. Enter expedition underway. It’s bugged. Can’t progress. Exit expedition.

Load screen to results screen.

Load screen to Fort Tarsis.

Jump back into Colossus and choose quickplay a third time.

Load screen.

Quickplay #3. Enter expedition midway! It’s not bugged! But everyone else has already defeated the end boss, so it’s just dialogue before the mission ends. I’m in the game for about 15 seconds before

load screen to results screen. (but this time I get some XP and a couple items, even though I literally did not fire a single shot).

Load screen back to Fort Tarsis.

It’s 7 AM, and my desire to play this game the rest of the day has died.

Picked this up yesterday for the PS4, and played through the tutorial and the first level where you go back to Fort Tarsis and access the Forge for the first time so you can select your second Javelin and then proceed to the first real level.

Unfortunately there is some bizarre bug that won’t let you access the Forge at this point (2 loading screens and then dumped back to the 3d market area). Apparently this bug can crop at at other times, but since it has happened to me here I am dead in the water and cannot proceed in the game.

There is a link here to EA forums with a bunch of people experiencing this, and no real solution yet:

I am in the process of deleting and reinstalling the game, but as that thread goes, it probably won’t work. There was a large patch this morning that did not resolve the issue.

Hope they fix this soon, as I really love he flying aspect of the game, and the combat so far is pretty cool.

Sheesh, these bugs are brutal.

I decided to just get a contract instead of quickplay.

Things are going well. Picking up lots of purple items.

And then halfway through the mission, my frame rates drop to about 3 fps. I’m looking at my task monitor and my GPU is totally disengaged. The Vega 56 went from 70% usage to 7%. It’s like it’s not playing a game anymore. Except it is. And it’s completely unplayable now.

This happened last night, too.

I’m done. Gonna go enjoy my Saturday. Watch some movies.

Is this some version of the Frostbite engine? Yikes.

Reading this thread I feel really bad for you guys. Stop beating your heads against a brick wall and play something fun instead.

Correct, Frostbite 3. It works great for Battlefield as you are only loading 1 map at a time for like 20-30 minutes of play. But the wait between loading maps feels like forever.

So with Anthem requiring so many map transitions, its crazy how many loading screens people have to see.

I guess there’s maybe a workaround if you can get someone to invite you to a mission? Then you get a default javelin for that and when you get back you can access the forge?

I think I might have this as well. Got back to Ft Tarsis after the intro and unlocked the forge after talking to Zoe but there’s no forge icon to click on to enter.

The combat IS fun! The only problem is that the combat is wrapped in a used diaper.