
I think it would be good to test this Masquerade VP theory out some more though. Perhaps masks should give you two coins instead of one and entry to the party be a flat three? That would certainly lead to less surprises for newcomers (‘Oh, masks only give me one coin?’ and ‘Now it’s three masks instead of two?’ or four masks instead of three…). I know this is late feedback but I blame Masschoas :)

Another patch, all games were reset. I think its the last one that will wipe progress, so thats something.

It is, until you jerks find another balance or game logic issue…

(But once the game hits 1.0, the plan is to be much more careful with balance updates that cause resets, and give people a heads up.)

Your suggestion of having games stick around after completion: yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll probably still remove them from the server, but have the client keep them locally for a little while? It’d also be nice to have a replay mode, allowing you to see your opponent’s moves after a game has wrapped up. These are quality-of-life issues I’ll be certainly looking into post-launch, assuming the game has legs.

Re: building-labels-covering-tiles - it’s on the list of things to look at post-launch, yeah. But to be honest I haven’t given a ton of thought to what the UX for this should look like. Maybe if you hover on a street, or hold a hotkey or something, the footprints get drawn on top of all the UI? Or maybe the buildings become semi-transparent or something?

For me, this was a plus! No apology required :-)

That sounds a lot better. No point cluttering up the server if they can be stored locally.

And so does this. Here’s hoping!

Perhaps an additional ‘footsteps’ button in the lower right that you can hold down/toggle to reveal/highlight footsteps would work. It’d be pretty obvious what it does, there’s plenty of room down there so it wouldn’t look like it’d been jammed in, and it would have the added benefit of working on touchscreens. It could probably do with being revealed only after your opponent’s footsteps have made an appearance because it would be pretty useless until then!

Do you have a Discord channel setup @Goatgoatgoat? I feel that’s the new glue that keeps online communities connected with each other (and the developers) these days. Very responsive and good for getting live matches and games going with other players.

On a side note, where the hell did the rest of Qt3 go, we had a pretty active player base about 3 months ago.Has everyone shelved it until 1.0? Is there any interest in starting the league back up?

Between myself and @geggis we probably have half of all the posts in the this thread. :p

Yeah, I think they’re waiting for v1.0. Honestly, I usually steer clear of early access myself but Antihero has been the rare exception.



Edit edit: And wow, it’s a real eye-opener watching the original trailer in the first post knowing what it’s like now.

I made the decision to hold off until 1.0 a while ago. Looking forward to Monday

I’ll be back then as well.

I’ve been busy, so I stuck to games with quick in-and-out turns - RftG, & Chaos for now. I’ll be back when I have enough time for devious plotting and scheming.


Edit: ah, Race for the Galaxy. I should maybe have a look at that. I do love a good async strategy game.

Race for the Galaxy, I presume.


Discord! Antihero Official Discord

I’ll be adding a link from the Online menu as well.

Excellent, cheers!

Masschoas made an appearance in the video! Heh…

Yeah, I’ll pick it back up at 1.0. I enjoyed the few games I sampled, but would rather have the bulk of my playtime be with the complete and polished version.

Just got my Steam key. Thanks, Goatgoatgoat. Pity we still have to wait until Monday.

Whoa yeah! Thanks for really going above and beyond @Goatgoatgoat

I hope your game sells like crazy, I am sure mentioning it everywhere I can!

<3 - thank you guys for all your invaluable feedback during Early Access!