Anyone else playing Demon's Souls?

I have an imported version published by Atlus, no Namco. And the private server works perfect. I am mostly not in human form, so no invasions.

4-2 Shrine of storms took me a couple of hours (including the boss). The run to the boss is so long and there is so much that went wrong every run, even falling from the cliff … and the Reapers are a pain in the neck. And the gosts and there magic laser beam. The enemy placement is so that it does impede you the most. And then you die at the boss and everything again.

I enjoyed every second of it.

Huh, I actually saw another one in Stonefang Tunnel. It was clearly a “tutorial” ghost this time, as it was repeatedly pulling a lever needed to progress. The weird thing is, though, that by then you must have, of course, pulled a very similar lever in the first level to get to Phalanx, so this one seems entirely superfluous.

That Dragon God sure is something, huh?


So Bell Gargoyles, pretty much just Maneater(s) again, huh.

What an annoying boss.

Bell Gargoyles are not too bad… Concentrate on one of them, and try to get his tail off right off the bat. I actually kind of like that boss…

Maneater was annoying, mostly because he spent half the fight flying around doing nothing while my protection spells expired.

Wow, Valley of Defilement sucks ass.

I maybe agreed the first time I played but now I love it. And the boss at the end of that spoke is great.

Works pretty well so far.

It’s already here!

If you have an incredibly powerful pc.

From that link:

Bah. EU or US disc only. I have the Asian disc, so I guess I’m out of luck.

Oh wow, I just looked at the system requirements for the CPU. Ouch. My CPU is about 6 years behind the one required. Although that’s recommended specs. Minimum specs just say any x64 capable processor.

Alright I tried it out. After going through all that damned procedure, I don’t get a playable frame rate. So I’m going to delete everything again. It’s not even close to being playable on my machine, it’s a damned slide show and the audio cuts in and out and enemies in the tutorial area appear and disappear, it’s a complete mess on my meager machine.

Starting this tonight. I’m both excited and a bit sad. This period has been the best stretch of gaming since I was a kid.

Plan on keeping it classic by rolling a knight.

I still think this might be the best one in terms of setting, story and mood.

Thats high praise!

It helps that the intro plays every time the game boots up. I always let it play up to when they show the Knight. Then I skip to the main menu. But that opening aerial scene where we’re flying over everything, and we see a corpse upside down as the narrator intones her dire narration? Pure gold. It gets me in the right mood every time.

Dark Souls 3 had a pretty neat intro too, but sadly it only plays the first time you start the game, so the only way to see it again is to start a new character I think.

PS3 only. That’s why I still haven’t finished it.

There is a PC emulator now, but I tried it out a couple of weeks ago, I don’t have the uber CPU power needed. It was really choppy on my PC.