Anyone up for more Matrix movies?

Which one had the 15 minute-long sex scene/rave scene? That one sucked. As did the other one.

Monica Bellucci was lovely though.

Speed Racer would have been awesome in 3D.

Monica Bellucci would have been awesome in 3D.

Irreversible 3D.

Miramon. You are not alone. I’m not a Matrix fan, and as a result, have never seen the sequels. The freeze and rotate stuff was cool and all, but as a movie, I just didn’t enjoy it.

HA! I’ll do your madness one better: I thought Reloaded was more ambitious and more interesting than the original, for the reasons sinnick mentioned (i.e., it broached a lot of ideas); though also a lot more uneven and ultimately failed to live up to its own intentions.

Revolutions, OTOH, was crap except for the big mech fight at Zion, because…well, big mech fight. Not enough of those around that I can just dismiss it out of hand. But it substituted power creep for character development, dropped or shat on all the interesting ideas from the first two films, and ends with a Dragonball Z fight scene in the rain for extra seriousness.

I will say this: I’d much rather see Matrix 4 than Transformers 3. But I’d rather get an Animatrix 2 than both of those.

Those were the worst designed mechs in the history of mechdom. Hang the squishy human bit in the center, totally exposed – that’ll end well.

Self correction: I WOULD watch a new Matrix film if it was just 2 hours of a world where every person looks like (is?) Monica Belluci.

God that Monica Bellucci is soooo hot.

Monica Bellucci was the reason I’ve watched Le Pacte De Loupes (Brotherhood Of The Wolf) at least 3 times. Take Monica Bellucci out of that one and you just have have… well, crap.

Monica Bellucci

I was going to say something similar but Nick summed it up so eloquently that I’ll just quote it so that the Matrix haters can read it again. I will add that I thought it was insensitive that the article linked in the OP still referred to them as the Wachowski brothers and not siblings.

The sequels were a disappointment but come on. Many of you are acting like they raped your sister or something. At least the films offered something different at the time, which may be hard to see now because of all the rip-off films since. And yes the plot (which sis not make very much sense in the first place) got nuttier and nuttier until we ended up basically The Wizard of Oz for Revolutions, complete with yellow brick road, a wizard at the end, and the Scarecrow looking for his brain (Keanu Reeves).

I’d rather watch Keanu Reeves and Renee Zellwegger in Uve Boll’s Heavy Rain adaptation than either of those.

I thought that turned out to be a hoax. Speed Racer credited them as “The Wachowski Brothers”.

For me, the first movies left open the possibility that the working theory of the wacky submarine crew was wrong.

I think the whole first movie makes more sense if you assume the AIs have just setup this fake world full of fake software companies so that they can feed endless imaginary DARPA money into creating new AIs because they want babies and the humans deleted the source code during the war. Once they roll them to production, you flush all the puny humans.

The Wachowskas have always been into kink, but I’m surprised there’s been no discussion about their next big project, Cobalt Neural 9. I’ll let MTV describe it:

Sorry, but the mechs were the pinnacle of stupidity of that sequence. The only way to depict the mechs as a viable defense was to have the squidbots alternate between ignoring them and flying directly into their gunfire. The whole thing was just laughably awful.

Except the impression I got was that those were not supposed to be “real” battle mechs with armor and fancy HUDs and whatnot. They were more like the power loaders from “Aliens” jury-rigged into combat duty by slapping a couple of mini-guns onto them. All of the human weapons were relatively unsophisticated, from the home-brew rocket launchers to the ships’ EMP blast thingies. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the mechs & guns were scavenged rather than built by the Zions; they didn’t seem to have much if anything by way of manufacturing capacity. So from that perspective, the mechs fit in just fine.

Whereas this is an idiotic power suit design for what is supposedly built for combat.

Yeah, pretty much. They could have just swarmed over the entire mech army in a few seconds, sweeping them off the dock or deck or whatever it was they were defending. I watched the final battle on TNT last night for some reason. The whole reloading mini-game drama was pretty brutal too.

There are pictures from 2009 (here’s one, I couldn’t find the original source, so PH was as close to legitimate as I could find) of Lana, a year after Speed Racer debuted, so I’m not sure that it could be called a hoax.

I thought this was obvious. “The power suits sucked” crowd clearly did not put much thought into their criticism.

The last movie is really even more of a blur than the rest to me at this point, but I suppose there was some good reason why the bad guys didn’t just blow up Zion?