Anyone using the Vivaldi 4.0 browser?

I’m giving this the college try. Right off the bat I noticed the built-in ad blocking is not as good as uBlock Origin so I’m going to download that. I also wish the tab and bookmark bars weren’t so cramped and ugly, and I’m not sure how to solve that just yet.

*edit - Fixed the ugly, cramped bookmark bar with judicious use of spacers. Now it’s fresh and clean. I do wish the tabs on the tab bar were a bit wider though.

Other than that though I’m really liking it both on my desktop and my phone.

Eh… support issues. The more browsers you allow, the more you have to support, even if I’m an IT guy and they really don’t need to help me with it. What happens is if you use non-standard things, and you have PC issues, then they try to pin it on those things even if it’s entirely unrelated software.

Sigh, I guess that’s fair.

OK, here’s an issue:

When I Cast from Chrome, no problems. When I Cast from Vivaldi, after some period of time, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, it just stops casting. Desktop or Tab. Same laptop location, same TV.


God I’m sorry I never use Cast. Is Vivaldi maybe using too much RAM or CPU and cutting off the cast?

I turned off the VPN or firewall something on Defender and that fixed it.

Yay well done!!!

I’m still loving Vivaldi both on PC and Mobile and I have zero intention of ever going back to Chrome.

In other news I didn’t see a thread devoted to Chrome extensions so I figure I’ll just drop this here.

If you’re sick of scrolling through a mile of food-blog bullshit to find a recipe online, this is your new best friend.

I do not see Vivaldi on the iOS store on my iPhone - is it Android only?

Yes. Windows & Mac desktop, but only Android mobile.

Just randomly noticed this thread. Been using Vivaldi for awhile now as my default browser and quite like it. Occasionally using Brave also.

Don’t recall why I switched, usually something fails to work as expected repeatedly or I’m tempted into finding something that might be faster or better at blocking stuff.

How do I get an autocomplete to stop showing up in my address bar? I can’t see a way to delete it.

There’s a dedicated address bar page in the settings menu. Playing around with that might do the trick.

Yeah as Paradroid said, this should be what you’re looking for.


How do I remove a specific address?

Search for [e.g. pornhub] in your history and just right-click and delete any entries that come up. Or just completely clear your history. Also; remove any bookmarks you may have for [e.g. pornhub]. When browsing [e.g. pornhub] in future, consider using private mode [CTRL-SHIFT-N] to keep it out of your history in the first place.

Shift + Delete for things in your address bar

Anyone running into issues with QT3 using vivaldi the past couple of days? If I pull it up in vivaldi I can’t click anything. Very strange, and doesn’t happen with other websites. Thinking it must be some extension, but thought I’d see if anyone else is seeing issues.

No issues here, typing this on Vivaldi right now.

Using Vivaldi on both my work computer and my laptop at home and not seeing any issues.