Anyone want to play a game of chess?

lol, I guess there was no win

Cat (2600) resigns after 1e4:

In other news, I’m realizing there is indeed quite a bit of roadwork ahead. I think 30 minute time control is about my speed right now; in my latest game I eagerly blundered away my queen on move 22 (which I am not proud of), but mated my opponent on move 29 with a Knight-Bishop combo and a little help from a Rook battery. I need to get better about openings, so I stop falling for (Gollum voice) sneaky sneaky tricks like the Queen mate in the Bowdler attack. This would happen left and right in 10 minute time controls, which is why I’m easing into 30 minutes, instead.

I don’t like lots of minor pieces and exchanges in the center of the board right away, so I’m feeling rather wooed by the hypermodern school. I wish to practice the Caro-Kann, Najdorf, Dragon, English, King’s Indian… of course I’ll have to keep old standbys like 1e4 and the Queen’s Gambit in the wings.

Thanks @tylertoo for the game, also!

lol. Funny how the cat made a beeline for its own king.

Can anyone suggest an electronic chessboard with a challenging AI? I have a relative who asked for a challenging chess program for his birthday, but he wants to play on a physical board, not using a computer. (He rarely uses a computer for anything.) He says the last such board he had was too easy to beat.

After searching Google and Amazon, I see there are some well-reviewed boards for many hundreds of dollars (or more), but I was hoping to keep it under $100. Boards in that price range seem generally aimed at beginners or children. Can anyone offer advice?

I don’t know much about electronic boards, but hit me if you can.

Bring it ;)

@Mark_Weston, please tell your pair of passed pawns to get a divorce. They’re a bad influence on each other.

Thank you in advance.

Life is hard for a lowly pawn :(

Playing chess while drunk really doesn’t work very well. But I can’t stop. just gave one of my moves a !! for only the second time ever. Was this sheer luck as I made desperate moves with less than 20 seconds on the clock? Yes. Will I revel in it anyway? Yes.

Awesome, @AWS260 ! Major grats :)

I’ve been working through some of the tutorials on I’d call myself an intermediate player, as I played competitively a bit in school, but I’m enjoying the beginner tutorials and drills on openings etc. Impressive website.

Chess websites exploded while I wasn’t looking… it’s a pretty great time to play. I’d love to get involved in some irl events once things pick up again, but for now there seems to be something like an online Chess renaissance in progress.

Unrelatedly, moving a Rook across the home rank is far more gratifying while imagining this sound effect.

Apologies to @AWS260 and @Starflightdream . I should be able to move a bit faster over the next few days.

I have some trouble with White playing against the Caro-Kann defense. Anyone would join a themed tournament playing only Caro-Kann?

Moves are 1. e4 c6 and following moves free to chose. Most people play 2. d4 and occupy the center.

Speaking as someone whose knowledge of the Caro-Kann is limited to the ability to spell it wrong, I’d be up for that as a learning experience.

I’d be up for it. I know how to play the Caro-Kann as black, in that I know you’re supposed to play c6 then d5. I can make all it the way to move three before I’m completely lost.

Let’s Caro-Kann it up!

I have never played that opening so count me in!

@Mark_Weston I think I need your lichess name (if different) for the Challonge table. I will collect all names here for 24 hrs, then we are ready to go. 2 days/move and if someone runs out of time, no problem to add time via lichess (plus symbol).

I’m happy to play some games of Caro-Kann, if you don’t mind beginners.

I Kann try it. If you Caro-nuff to add me in.