Apex Legends - battle royale in the Titanfall universe

Octane is a tribute to a speed runner who did the gauntlet in 12 seconds using a grenade boost.

7,235 votes and 287 comments so far on Reddit

I’m trying to link the Reddit thread and the forum keeps replacing it with the image from the thread.

So he’s a tribute to a real speed runner?


Here’s the run…

I feel bad. I called my squadmates (wrote to them) ‘idiots’ and wrote ‘l2p’ afterwards… I actually didn’t know I could do this … [was a bit fun too, I have to admit]
It’s just…I played very badly today, no exceptions, and then there was this: I was the jumpmaster and it’s called jumpMASTER… if you don’t get a say in where to land… what’s the point of giving one player the authority? I always follow the jumpmaster, no matter how stupid I think his/her choice is… and no matter how much counter proposals I have made. I follow him…because, well, it’s called Jumpmaster and this title and game design suggest it’s there to avoid early misunderstandings/conflict by given one player initial authority.
Besides…I’m fed up with being bullied to Skull Town… with 6 other teams. Yeah, I’ll land there if the jumpmaster says so, but if I’m the jumpmaster, I’d like to see my proposal at least being discussed… but they just jumped after hitting middle mouse for Skull Town like 20 times… and said “good luck”. Wtf?
Well, I called people on the internet iditos…

Whatever. What do you think? Follow the jumpmaster is a rule?

Damn right its a rule! Anything else is a recipe for failure.

I don’t have a strong opinion about following the jumpmaster. I do have a strong opinion about calling other people “idiots” and “l2p” in an online game.

I totally understand. Which is the reason why I wrote here: I just couldn’t help it. It alarmed me. It was just too much to cope with (just the tip of the iceberg of today’s bad gaming experiences; e.g. I get yelled at regularly). The fact that it was just too much to behave well also told me to take a break.
So today I experienced how toxic this stuff can get, how… toxic I can get. After all it might be quite human to get frustrated or come in conflict… so to handle these situations there are rules. Like… don’t call people idtiots on the internet or …follow the jumpmaster. I should have followed the more important rule. But following the jumpmaster might be not a trivial thing for getting along well/being nice to each other - looking at the bigger picture.

‘Don’t suffer fools gladly’…/shrug. Splitting up at the start of the game is idiotic. Losing your temper is mostly frustration, and it’s usually built up frustration about yourself, that can be easily triggered by someone else doing something dumb. Your human, that’s ok.

It sucks when the jumpmaster forces a landing in a hot zone like skulltown especially when you can clearly see other teams ahead of you. I’ve pulled off because I know whats coming but most likely the other two will be killed in the first minute and your on alone anyways. As much of a crapshoot as it is sticking together is the first basic rule of the game.

From The Onion:

“I admit I hated it at first—everyone was on the same level and everyone had a decent chance to win any given game. What’s the point of a game like this if I’m not systematically crushing normies and making the experience miserable and confusing for 95 percent of the player base?” Haglund added that once Apex Legends had become a virtual ghost town due to the actions of players such as himself, he was looking forward to trying out Anthem .

It is super annoying when people drop into either Skull Town or especially Bunker knowing there are at least five teams on their way. There are simply not enough guns when this happens so if you are on the unlucky end you will be dead, and unless you’re with a god-level teammate, your game is over in record time.

Even if you survive the first wave, you’ll have some people who landed not far from those places who are just waiting to come in and clean up, fully loaded, shielded up and they haven’t fired a shot yet. Again, you’re just fodder.

The best part is, if you wear a mic and bring this up, people will tell you to just “Git gud” when they also were not good enough to survive it. Machismo is alive and well in 2019. Smart gamers are fewer and further between, same as the general voting populace.

This is what you do when your team bails on you.

Both my teammates bailed on me right at the start. I won solo, without firing a single shot simply by hiding, evading fire, skirting the rings, and dragging one team into another. (The ring itself finished off my final opponent)

A pacifist win, that’s pretty kickass. I don’t suppose you have any of this recorded?

Unfortunately not :(

Totally agree. And this seaosn of Sea of Fortnite you can play Lifeline.

I had a streamer caliber game last night

I did all that work with the R-99, mostly hip firing.

Unfortunately the rest of my rounds didn’t go nearly as well!

Nice carry!!

Hit 1000 achievement points today. Granted it’s not the hardest Xbox list ever but still hadn’t done that in years. Man this Game can be a string of annoyances as you deal with a bunch of fools in row with matchmaking then get a great run with solid team for an exciting final melee for the win and then everything is awesome…for awhile at least.

This game is still great. I keep playing it often. The best thing is I’ve really had a lot of great experiences with random peeps. It’s just a fun time overall.

I was saying to someone recently that it reminds me of when I would play real-time strategy games online. You know you’re in for about 5 to 25 minutes and you just go start a new one when it’s done but it’s a complete event on its own while you’re playing. I really like that.

[quote=“Shieldwolf, post:637, topic:140356, full:true”]
I thought they fixed the hit boxes. My biggest complaint and I’m sure it’s just my targeting, but I can unload on someone and then they shoot me once and I die. I need to remember to aim up!

The first guy busts through the door and runs right past me. So does the second. My LMG is up ready to fire. The third runs in looks at me and is dazed. I fire point blank unloading a ton of bullets center mass. He shoots me one time and I died. [/quote]

This has endlessly been my experience, to the point I can sneak up behind someone point blank in an execution position, fire off the first shot to their head 1 foot away, and STILL probably lose to them killing my instantly.

Gave up. You kids have your genre.