Apple iPhone 13 event - September 14, 2021

We’ll see. Never really gave Android a long-term look but the Fold 3 is a note taker’s dream device. I’ll try it out a bit before finally committing to an iPhone 13.

Has CJ ever lasted two whole months?

Well I am eligible to upgrade my iPhone after paying $60 or something like that. Just sayin…

You lasted 22 hours this time!

It does look cool. I have no use for it really but I may get one someday when the price drops. Seems like it could be a decent Kindle reader. It’s $1800 now, isn’t it?

It does look very cool and from the reviews I have watched it finally looks like it works well enough to buy. Except it’s a Samsung product, and they seem to always have their little issues and crappy software. I watched a couple of reviews of the new Samsung watch, and of course there are issues with the GPS not being as good as it could be and the HR monitor failing to record. Samsung products always seem like they are better on paper than they’re actually are.

I have only used Samsung TVs, didn’t like either of them.

Yeah, but I can either get $1000 off through AT&T or trade in my Note 20 Ultra + plus some old tablets and get $1100 off. I did the Samsung upgrade, I’ll take a look, and if it doesn’t work out, back to Samsung it goes. I’m really worried about the battery life, but I saw a cool 50 things to do when you get your Z Fold 3 YouTube video and was intrigued enough to seek one out in the wild.

I, of course, traded in my Galaxy Watch 3 for a new GW4 classic. I opened Google Maps on my phone, put in some directions and the turn-by-turn directions popped open on my watch. A slow tear slid down my face. This alone makes the upgrade worth it for me! I’ll stop polluting the iPhone thread now.

For workouts, two fitness tech reviewers I saw both said they sometimes had to wait up to 5 minutes to get a GPS lock before they could start their workout. And the GPS wasn’t as good as other watches by Apple or Garmin. More drift, especially around buildings.

I played with the Fold 3 briefly today at Best Buy. Great looking screen, smooth scrolling. You can feel the crease more than you can see it (unless it’s catching a reflection). I was impressed.

Ordering wasn’t bad at all this year. I had two browsers ready to go, Chrome and Firefox, alongside my iPhone and iPad. The iPad was VPN’d to California. In the F5 battle the Chrome browser won and I purchased a 128GB 13 pro max at 8:01 AM.

Hopefully Apple keeps it up, but I suspect this year’s refreshes just aren’t that popular as it’s clearly the iPhone 12S.

I did complete my iPhone upgrade via my phone and had no issues executing the transaction. Ironically, I am now so deep behind the Apple closed wall that going back to 80% Windows work will be more painful than I realized. I have my gaming PC and work machines, but do everything else on various MacBooks these days.

Oh well, the GW4 is a nice watch and maybe apple will give us a folding phone some day…

You won’t believe what happens next. :)

Worst experience in years for me.

Had my preorder all set up, just had to log in and confirm. Except it wasn’t accepting my Apple Card. Kept timing out as well. Finally switched to a different card.

Supposedly this was a problem with Goldman Sachs or Citizen One (the company that handles the Apple upgrade program).

45 minutes late ordering, but still getting it on the 24th supposedly.

Ah there you go then. Not a popular launch.

I am confused, you just bought a watch that does not work with an iPhone. Why would you buy an iPhone?

I wasn’t able to order until just now and still got the 24th, and I guess they fixed the Apple Card issues from an hour ago. Easy year. I was going to pass on the phone but the trade-in offer for the 12 was pretty good and I can’t see myself taking any fewer photos than last year.

Oh wow, really not a popular launch.

I used the GW4 with my Note 20 for a couple of days, packed it back up, and the watch is heading back to Samsung. Put my sim card back in my iPhone, turned iMesages/Facetime back on, and back to normal.

Yeah, that’ll last.

BTW not meaning to pick on you Chris, I just find your flipping back and forth hilarious.