Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinos and Leveling Survival Game

I need to get there myself so I’ll work on that later tonight. I’ll add it as a public (admin) gate. Public gates can’t be deleted that I know of unless by an admin, so they don’t have the issue with durability like normal stargates do (like the one at my base.) Public gates also don’t need a ZPM. You can just place them and they are fine. They also can be placed in some places that a private gate cannot (like in caves.)

Added so far:
Public gates at each Obelisk

Private (Skipper) gate at main base
Private (Skipper) gate new base/castle
Private gate to empty castle above the jungle
Private gate to the swamp below the jungle (for mushroom collection and swamp/jungle dinos (like Therizos)

For anyone that needs a public gate, it can be spawned in with the following admin command:
cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/Mods/StarGates/Blueprints/Items/PrimalItem_StarGates_Public.PrimalItem_StarGates_Public’” 1 0 0

My dad, @Ragan has put a stargate in abberation.

Sounds good. We had a few already I thought. Sometimes when the servers get reset we lose data, so if the gates were gone, that might be why.

Been on another great ps4 player dedicated pvp server and we just started over with Valguero. Hectic first day as a mostly solo player, but finally got situated in a jungle cave with my pteras. Lovely spot, but bringing land dinos home probably requires running the gauntlet through those new pack dinos. Yikes. Might make an attempt on a mammoth as I really need wood, but maybe carrying a beaver in makes more sense

The problem with running through the jungle on foot isn’t the danger, it turns out. It’s that it’s a maze of twisty passages.

Has anyone here experienced a bug/feature where you are teleported a couple hundred feet? Have a couple of hot spots in my base that send me out to a location in the jungle.

I have not, no. Mods get strange sometimes but launching like that reminds me of server lag? Could that be it?

How is Valguero as a PvP map?

Great so far. There’s one alpha tribe that’s pretty chill, one weak, toxic, wannabe alpha tribe, a bunch of weak little tribes who don’t really seem to know what they’re doing, and me. I’m super well-hidden – hell, even I have a hard time finding my base – and am still grinding toward metal gates. I’m also friendly with most everyone on the server, as I usually am, including the alphas who help me out from time to time. The toxic wannabes concern me a little, as I once secretly took part in smoking them out on the Ragnarok instance, which led to them getting raided, and I’m not sure if they actually ever figured out that I played a part in that. Ever since, one of them has been talking to me a lot and trying to befriend me, which makes me suspicious. The guy also shares a lot of info about their setup with me that might or might not be bs. Hard to tell, because he strikes me as being unintelligent.

When I have more time I’ll relate more about that crazy operation I took part in.

Well on the PvE side, we’ve done a lot of exploring. Everyone has nabbed at least one big base spot. We have gates up (Stargate mod, so awesome) to some major points. Everyone is dipping into the Aberration side but in my humble opinion, it’s like training wheels Aberration. I go into it and then just long for the real one. But it’s cool as part of -this- map. There is still a lot unexplored though so more to come.

@ragan a quick question since I know you’ve been down in Aberration a lot. I think the mod added for drakes, etc also added charge nodes. Have you seen any? Having a base near one would help us a lot.

The mod Additional Dinos: Valguero doesn’t add charge stations and there are none on the map.

S+ does have a craftable charge station that drains near by charge light pets to power back up though.

My bad. I thought we were using this mod:
Valguero Dino and Map Extension

They seem similar at any rate, only this one also adds those nodes, per the update:

Update: Jul 5 @ 5:55pm

  • Added Managamr spawns
  • Added Gasbag spawns
  • Added Morellatops spawns
  • Added Element ore nodes in radiation area
  • Added Plant Species Z in fertile area
  • Added Charge nodes in fertile area
  • Added Dino dossiers for every dino on Valguero(~100+)

For now on you can control your spawns via GameUserSettings.ini. Add this to your GameUserSettings.ini:

False = Spawners are NOT deactivated
True = Spawners are deactivated

Updated with the new Valguero mod as well as Simple Spawners. I’ll be -slowly- adding some fun stuff, including Reapers, with Simple Spawners. I don’t want you to think this is just me, feel free to bust into admin mode and add things as well:


I look forward to a rex spawn in your base, I mean some cool new things on the server.

EDIT: REMEMBER, new mods are loaded. These aren’t tiny but aren’t huge either. Expect a timeout or three while loading/joining the Valguero server.

Success on the first Drake for me. Be aware the rad zone is FULL of Nameless now. Maybe too much? I dunno, it seems that way. Strangely, I can see them without a glow pet, and I’m betting that’s because they are modded in.

So, plenty of Nameless venom to be had but I have not seen as many, or ANY rock drakes down in there since the mod change. Either they are deep in or we’ll need to check on the spawn for them. No eggs that I saw either.

Oh man, you have not looked in the right spot. I tried to get a rock drake egg and I got swarmed, at least 20 drakes on me. I borrowed your rock drake to recover my body and gear and I looked down in the trench and it was crawling with drakes.

Hard number time, at this moment, there are 213 rock drakes in that little area. For reference, there are more rock drakes on the map than there are sabertooth’s (206) , piranha (166), or nameless (171).

I think their spawn rate needs to be turned down a lot.

Cool video on a 99% Rock Elemental tame.

And if you have time, check out more of that guys vids. They are awesome.

Here we go, another ARK mystery coming soon. As pieced together by those on the site and reddit …

Plus a countdown. It sure sounds like we have another DLC coming. Everyone on the DLC train!!!

Anunaki Genesis official confirmed! 😃

Man, so exited playing ARK lately what with the new free map and a possible DLC again.

@Ragan @DinoRancher

Trip and I can’t seem to get breeding happening when we’re offline. We both log in and only then do the dinos breed. Can you confirm if you see the same issue? I haven’t checked other servers yet, but we’re seeing this on Valguero.

There are two breeding methods.

One is the “Enable mating” option, which does not require dinos to be hitched or penned in. This method does not work while you are out of render range/offline.

The other is the “Enable Wandering”. This method does work while you are offline, but requires you to either pen your dinos or use the hitching post to keep them from wandering to far apart.

Well there is my problem. I thought the new, “enable mating,” was ubiquitous with the old hitch and wander.

Which, to be fair, what in the hell is it good for if it’s only while you are online? Babysitting dino humping?