Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinos and Leveling Survival Game

For starting out, I highly recommend putting the first 10 points into movement. That makes you fast enough to escape some of the early predators or let you survive long enough to lose aggro (i.e. run past a different dino that the one chasing you will attack instead). After movement, it’s weight and health.

I remember when this happened before. I think Steam was having a bad day. It eventually worked itself out.

That is fine, I was only playing Aberration for something to do until Genesis came out.

PS4 genesis servers that were up for a while are dropping off the browser list, confusing their admins, so there are definitely issues, at least on that platform. Heard a rumor that fishing nets might be part of the problem.

The Island - UP!!!
Scorched Earth - Offline
Ragnarok - Offline
Aberration - UP!!!
Extinction - Updating
Valguero - Updating
Genesis - UP!!!

It looks like the issue is that they time out since they use anonymous connection mode to Steam. The good news is they save progress, but I had to launch update for Aberration about 20+ times. Each time takes quite a while before failing.

EDIT: I spoke too soon, I have to work with Aberration a bit more.
SECOND EDIT: Aberration confirmed up. @ragan you are cleared for launch.

The Bog is nice and new and everything and I didn’t find it terribly difficult but the insect swarms are absurd and annoying. They’re everywhere and once they detect you they will chase you all over creation and there’s no way to avoid them or kill them (that I have discovered). What’s more ,their poison saps your stamina so you can’t run for long and sooner or later they either whittle you down to the bone or chase you into something bigger and nastier, like a giant snake or raptor. Didn’t they playtest this thing?!

Anyway, after multiple failed bog starts I eventually tried the snow biome and died promptly to a dire wolf. Same old ARK…

I found I can kill them by swinging a torch. It takes a bit and I have to repair the torch afterward but I’ll take a LOT less damage if I kill them off. It drops a hidden or visible bug on the ground once they are dead and if you it it with an axe you’ll loot some meat and hide.

But back to the question, is there no way to avoid the things?

Run like hell… Not that i have died now about 40 times in the swamp. I did get a bed placed and a crate. Torch works great.

On a side note i tried the lunar spawn at level 8… I would not advise that to anyone. For the brief 60 seconds i was alive it was awesome though hahaha.

How many times can a tamed creature be leveled up? I can’t find it anywhere. It used to be 73, but I just leveled my Rex up 82 times and it’s still going.

Really? I tried that but couldn’t seem to hit the swarm. Where do you aim?

Just in the air with the swarm on me, aka stinging. About 100 damage a hit when I was swinging it.

Tamed a Ptera. Made a saddle. Flying is DISABLED. @#(!&&!!&#!*&

They flipping fly around the map for goodness sakes!!!

The Island - UP!!!
Scorched Earth - Offline
Ragnarok - Updating
Aberration - UP!!!
Extinction - Updating
Valguero - UP!!!
Genesis - UP!!!

This is painful. I’m running update a couple hundred times to get just one fully updated. Each update take quite a while before timing out and failing. At least it’s saving progress but man this is bad.

For those who have yet to jump in, this video gives a decent guide to some initial questions on Genesis:

From what I’ve seen, there is a bit of resource isolation which might be part of the attempt to push you back and forth from biome to biome. Using HLNA to jump isn’t precision, but gets you into one of 8 cardinal direction locations within the target biome. There is still quite a bit of use for the Stargate mode due to that.

Also a cautionary note: The Bog is not, “Easy.” It’s easier than cold, heat and drowning, but it’s no walk in the park. Right up there with Aberration on hard starts in my opinion. Today large predators (spinos,) and alphas started showing up.

More strangeness: There are obsidian rocks in arctic biome but picking them only gives stone.

Apparently there is a bug (haha) that prevents some people from hitting the swarm in 1st person, including myself. I can hit them easily enough in 3rd person, squatting, and just swinging my torch straight ahead. One or two hits is usually enough and sometimes the swarm catches fire and burns to death. A very large insect corpse is left behind for harvesting and even that I cannot hit in 1st person but fine in 3rd! Weird…

The swarms have a center you cant see . Just swing torch level in front of you once to catch them on fire. They will tick 100 damage two or three times swing again rinse and repeat till dead. Swarms are awesome for early hide and meat fyi. I have a small hut set up in the bog after hours of running and being eaten. played tag with a 50 spino last night for a wile was tons of fun. I must of died maybe 40 times easily. Now Level 30 and feeling like I may have a foot hold.

Final Update, all servers are up:
The Island - UP!!!
Scorched Earth - UP!!!
Ragnarok - UP!!!
Aberration - UP!!!
Extinction - UP!!!
Valguero - UP!!!
Genesis - UP!!!

Thanks for that video. It showed and explained a lot of the new stuff.

When I first logged in last night, I was dropped right into a pack of direwolves attaching something, which included me, so I was dead before the startup animations were done.

Second and third times I pretty much froze to death, although the second time I punched a tree to kill myself before the cold got me.

Right now I’m in the Arctic biome in a small thatch hut with 3 fires to keep from freezing.

I found the Arctic to be very doable once you get out of the areas with wolves and have shelter and fire. Me, I booked it and built my first hut in the far northwest next to the border, killing an ovis along the way. The worst dinos out there are occasional therizins. But I had the advantage of transferring a character over that already had high fortitude; not sure how realistic that might be at lower levels.

A tip that Barstein just mentioned:
Kill ovis. They are very easy kills and drop a boatload of hide, fur and mutton. I made a full set of fur armor from two ovis kills. If you don’t need the mutton throw it in the meat spoiler mod we have and now you’ll have half the mats for 50 narcotics (since they drop upwards of 50 mutton.)

Also if anyone needs to jump in my shacks to get away from anything, they are unlocked for now.

Is that the actual map? Its segmented like that?

If so i assume its for game system reasons…

It is, and something I forgot to bring up earlier is that HLNA doesn’t tell you anything about what’s going on, if you have a character on another map and travel over to genesis from there. There may be a way to ask her that I didn’t notice, though.