Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinos and Leveling Survival Game

Woot, at last made a permanent bed. No more random respawns unless I choose to.

Nice, Reemul! I was extremely happy when I finally crafted my first bed. This game really sets the bar on difficulty, I think, when it comes to basic survival. Hide it well! Dude built a fort nearish to me out in plain view and he was raided within a day.

I’ve finally created all the basics I initially set out to create: semi-hidden, low-profile base with exterior walls, bed, generous storage, cooking pot, preserving bin, mortar & pestle, refining forge, smithy, garden plot and water tank. Unfortunately, a couple of folks have dropped skeletal bases a little too close to me and the forest cover has diminished, and I’m seeing more foot traffic through my area which makes me nervous. Been planning to build on a nearby island that I can see from my house, so I’ve stocked up on a basic house build kit, some food and a second bed. I’ve had trouble with the megaladons patrolling that island before, so I’m going to parachute over. Wish me luck!

Is this game engaging on PVE / your own servers, or is being forcefed your own poop the way this game is really meant to be played?

I think imprisoning, etc., only happens to bad people but can’t say for sure.

Do you enjoy nesting, crafting and exploring in Minecraft? It’s as engaging as that, and more, in my opinion. I could seriously enjoy the game on a me-only server, if I chose to go that route. But I like the danger and risk of hiding out somewhere on a PVP server. That’s a first for me.

So I’ve been successful as a hermit for the past week on a PVP server with a couple of fairly active raiding tribes. That said, I just checked on my status and noticed that I was finally raided overnight. My house is just too conspicuous now. They probably landed by raptor. Thankfully, they only took most of my valuable possessions and didn’t kill me or destroy any furniture or tools/equipment as does tend to happen. Conscientious thieves.

I think the new governance stuff, combined with some planned enhancements to make bases harder to raid while owners are logged out, should drastically reduce the unpleasantness you’re hearing about.

I do like doing that in Minecraft, yeah, but I always wished Minecraft had more danger and that there was more “survival” to it. Do you get a survival feel at all without the PVP, or is the survival aspect mostly from your fellow humans?

The dino’s are nasty, but it depends on where you are on the island i guess.

Beaches are relatively safe while the deeper in the harder it gets. Even on beaches i get constantly harassed by raptors and carnos which generally means death if they spot me. I have to be in constant alert status and watch my surroundings but that’s never enough, sometimes im building something and i hear some quick footsteps and i die to a pack of raptors without notice.

For me, the survival aspect is pretty significant even without humans. While outside a shelter, you’re constantly vulnerable to attack by carnivores in most regions on the map, and gathering resources from plants and animals and unlocking/crafting new stuff is much more challenging than it is in Minecraft. And while in a shelter, there’s the chance that it can be destroyed. You also get hungry/thirsty/cold/hot pretty quickly, which is a feature I normally turn off immediately in Minecraft and other games but which feels natural and immersive in this game. The leveling system also adds a new dimension that Minecraft lacks (yeah, I know about the RPG mods, but still). And venturing into deep water, caves and mountains for the scarcer resources increases the challenge exponentially.

Thanks guys, it sounds pretty interesting. I think I’m going to pick it up and give it a whirl.

Also don’t swim naked at night, you will die of hipothermia lol

I wouldn’t recommend PVP now because it has lots of balance issues, exploits (lots of servers had people cheat level then import characters early on), etc. Also PVP in these games tend to reward offline raiding and bigger=better for the number of players you have. Ark has an amazing start but they have yet to take on or fix any of the main issues survival game PVP has. If one game was to fix these issues I think Ark might be it given how active their devs are (and listening to feedback).

I think as a solo game it is very challenging but I’d recommend it as a coop game most right now. There is a lot to do and I think you could easily get frustrated solo. The way the game works rewards specialization and learning different engram paths. I’m certain solo is possible but it’d be way slower going and frankly annoying. Our tribe has 3-4 main players on our private PVE server. We all are specializing in different stuff and it helps a lot. For instance I did guns and wow what a waste of points that was.

Guns in this game are worthless currently. Stick to the pike and bow. An assault rifle with 30 bullets can barely kill one spider. To make the assault rifle and the ammo takes a huge wealth of resources. Literally hours of work yet it struggles to kill one common enemy. Yet a cheapo bow you can make at low levels or a pike (more mid game) easily dispatches the same enemy with 1-3 hits or 1-3 arrows. The only saving grace for guns might be PVP but PVP currently is mostly PVB (player vs offline base).

Wow that’s weird.

Is the flare gun good? just researched it but i haven’t built it yet.

It’s a cool effect when you fire it into the air at night. It isn’t really much of a weapon.

Yeah, I read somewhere that guns were intended for killing humans, not dinos. Makes sense given their thick hide, I guess?

My enjoyment of the game has spiked yet again as I experience a new thing. I left my base loaded up with gear and headed over to a nearby island, where I met a local inhabitant who grudgingly permitted me to scout the island for a possible settlement spot. There weren’t any suitable ones other than the one he had snagged, except in resource heavy areas, but that would have depleted the resources. So I went back to the hermit and thanked him for his time and told him I’d not settle there after all. He seemed somewhat relieved, and then offered me a ride off the island on his flier. (The island is surrounded by megaladons.) He dropped me off on mainland and now I’m full blown settler mode. I can always teleport back to my other home if I die, and if I’m lucky I should find a new spot somewhere. But I’m venturing into areas I’ve not yet explored for the first time since I first started. Fun!

Co-op is my bag, so that sounds great.

I am playing solo atm, would love to do some coop as mentioned but it needs people to host and think the specs to host are supposed to be quite high and with all the updates it must be a pain in the ass, I am seeing updates daily.

If anyone also posts over at Gamers With Jobs, they have started up a hosted PVE server, we have 5 or 6 people playing on it at the moment. If you join in, myself and another are near the West 3 spawn point and have started building up a nice little community homestead.

Official or unofficial?

My cross-island resettling trek ended in disaster. The first time out I somehow got turned out without realizing it after a viscious fight, and ended up right back at my starting point. “Oooh, that house looks a lot like mine! Oh, wait…” Second attempt went much better, but I ended up getting mobbed by one too many creatures and died out in the middle of nowhere. Lost my entire resettling kit that took a couple of game days to create.

But just now I tamed my first dino. Apparently parasaurs have a good balance of speed and carrying capacity. I tamed a low-level one so that I can pick her stats as I level her. That means her level cap will be 41 (she was 2 when I tamed her) but customized for my needs. It’s fine, I’m not sure I’m committed to her for life anyway. So with Gertrude along I should be able to make much faster progress, and be able to carry more than I was.

Not sure if it is an Official server or Unofficial. A member over there went through a game hosting company to get the server up (So that member is paying the monthly cost for the server). I know it allows importing your survivor from official servers.

I do actually have a GWJ account so am tempted but it will mean starting again with my character. I have found the topic and will look in to it.

Between here and OO it does seem we have a fair few players who are keen on a forum type server just not sure how to get it done really.

Less than two weeks left until the next FOTM MMO survival/crafting game comes out. I laughed when even larger reviews feel the same way about these games.