Assassin's Creed Odyssey - It's time to Greek out

Well, the game has enough game systems for like three games. The basic RPG/story, the Athens vs. Sparta military stuff, the mercenary hierarchy, and the cult investigation are all sufficient for a full game. So it’s understandable I guess that things get all mixed up.

But then, ancient Greece was sort of messy, too.

It’s interesting how everyone’s talking about what a great character Kassandra is. Guess I picked the wrong gender… Alexios is pretty bog-standard.

Still, a super entertaining game. And flat-out gorgeous. The recreation of classical Greece is worth the price of admission. And the crunchy combat core doesn’t get old even with a lot of repetition.

Weird thing is their lines are identical. Even one part where K goes “well it takes a woman to do a man’s job” and how it makes no sense for Alexios to join the daughters of Artemis.

Why in the world would you pick Alexios, given that Kassandra’s awesomeness as a character has become one of the key selling points of the game?

Apparently she’s canon in their tie in novel but the Alexis VA is decent just boisterous and uh stereotypically Greek macho male from 60s Italian sword and sandal movies.

Um… Because I bought the game and just started playing it?

And so even if you were oblivious to the amount of online and print discussion re Kassandra, in the section of the game where you pick one, it’s pretty clear which of the two is the bog-standard lunkhead and…which one isn’t.

And you still chose Alexios.

Are you actually trying to pick a fight with me over my choice of a videogame avatar?

Okay – have fun with that.

Uplay is telling me I am just past the 50% point of the story. And I swear I just got like 2 new huge main quest things to do beside the 2 other main quest things. D:

I am disliking the mandatory ship battles… Anyways… I am almost level 28 and being gated from the main story now due to being under leveled. Grrrr…

The world is large and full of icons. Headed to bed soon, a new day of adventures await tomorrow.

I think this is the only game I’ve seen that even tries to model breakers on the shore.

To be fair you can throw your spear (and yourself) with often insta-kill damage.

It is sort of refreshing that, in this case, it’s the male avatar that gets the short end of the spear, rather than the perfunctory female choice. In @Gordon_Cameron’s defense, I knew absolutely nothing about the game or the story when I started playing, not having paid any attention to AC stuff really; I sort of lucked into Kassandra because, well, if I’m in a third-person action game, I’d rather be looking up the Spartan war skirt of a Greek goddess than some smelly gladiator dude! Turned out to be a good decision though (I admit, given the story details, my feelings about Alexios may be, um, influenced at this point).

I hear what @lordkosc is saying about leveling. With so many side quests and stuff to do in the game, and no set timing or pathing, it’s entirely possible–even inevitable–that you won’t be keeping to any set progression timetable. Then again, there is so much to do that re-syncing with the story levels isn’t hard.

The naval battles are tough, but I’ve come to like them. Once I upgraded my ship–a lot–they got so much more bearable. And damn, sailing around is freakin’ gorgeous.

What I find a real hoot though is all of the historical characters you get to interact with. I mean, each year I teach a first-year class where we read Republic, or at least a chunk of it, and the dialog between Sokrates and Thrasymachus at Perkles’ symposium is a hoot. And hanging around with Herodotus? Priceless.

So even though the gaming and IPC performance of the Ryzen is comparable to the 5 year-old 4th generation Intel Haswell or 10-15% behind current 8th generation Kaby Lake, the additional threads/cores makes a world of difference for me in Odyssey.

My framerate is finally consistently over 30fps on the same GTX 1080 Ti and without hitching by upgrading from a i5-4670k to a Ryzen 7 2700 non-X .

Finished the main story questline, but there is still sooooo much to do! i’m level 45, and making my way through the Cultists and Atlantis and other stuff. It’s such a cool gameworld, with such good (mostly) mechanics.

I may take some time off to play Origins, though, as I tried the intro to that and man, that seems cool too. It’s a bit jarring to adjust to the different controls and features (or lack thereof, compared to Atlantis) but the setting is nifty as hell.

Seems like taking a breather from Odyssey with Origins might imply a slightly worrying Ubiphilia :)

Oh, no, I’m not an addict! I can quit any time! I can play, um, Ghost Recon: Wildlands! Or Far Cry! Or… um, yeah.

Watchdogs 2; also fine ubisoftery with a fun cyberpunk vibe.

I never got into Far Cry 2-5 because I was always paralyzed with indecision at all the map markers but didn’t have that issue with Odyssey.

I really like the way they balance information with discovery in AC:O (playing in exploration mode or whatever it is). I also like the writing. Intermingled with the usual fetch & kill quest dialog are some really nice pieces with some real emotion. Some of the story sequences are really dark, but they don’t come off as gratuitously so. And the animators should get a definite pat on the back for the skill with which they have made at least Kassandra (haven’t tried Alexios yet) emote stuff.

BTW, I’m very intrigued by the oft-teased story-creator mode, and how use-able and flexible it will be.

Could be revealed at E3 as a tide-over for AC: Kingdom, which I can’t wait to play!