Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Movie - What a Twist!

Hey I know, we can have BOTH.

Perhaps that is the collective motivation in this specific instance - who I am to know for certain. But most artists, be they a writer, musician, painter, director, whatever, want to to share their work. Why would anyone who creates something that is intended for others to consume and enjoy purposely wish to limit its exposure? My guess is Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are thrilled that a whole new audience will be able to experience the awesome world, characters and stories they created and not be limited to the audience of Nickelodeon.

I’m disappointed to hear the original writers weren’t involved. I remember some of the best episodes being done by the Ehaz’es.

That said, though the trailer linked didn’t show a heck of a lot, for fans of the show you could pinpoint the exact episode/scene for every shot. Absolutely no question what I was looking at. It is a good start!

Someone mentioned how shoving a 3-season series into a 2 hour movie was wrong. Apparently the movie is intended to be a trilogy, which I hadn’t realized… I’m actually becoming optimistic about this…

Yeah that ‘battle’ in the trailer is obviously the water temple at the north pole, end of book 1.
It’s gotta be a trilogy.
I think Avatar is the best cartoon series…well, maybe ever, I’m totally ok with this being a flick.
AS for M.Night…he is a fine director, even above average.
His biggest fault has been chasing the success of his first movie. He kept trying to be the new Hitchcock or something…twist TWIST DAMNIT!
Sadly it is his stories that are lacking, not his skill. I’m very interested in seeing something that is not out of his head and does not have some twist to it. There is no big twisty reveal at the end of Book I of Avatar.

M Night’s ego tends to get in the way of his movies. For example, even though his movies are all overly long and need editing, he still manages to stick a scene with himself in it.

And I’m still afraid for this movie because he is the writer on the movie.

For his inevitable cameo, Shyamalan should play the cabbages guy.

That or he’ll be the captain of a Fire Kingdom ship.

That would actually work, but the studio will probably force him to recast it as a white guy.

I was always under the impression that the movie was covering the first season, which I still think is too much plot progression and character development to shove into two hours. I’m all for exposing a larger audience to Avatar, but not in this watered-down form, and that’s assuming Shyamalan manages to break his four-film streak and makes something that isn’t horrible.

Matt, seriously, back off. If they didn’t make books or anime into 2-hour films, I wouldn’t see them at all. And that would make me sad.

Can’t…tell if…joking…sarcasm meter…failing…

The sad thing is I’m serious. I realize I’m a total philistine, but I love me some shit adapted from other shit. There’s all these awesome stories that would take DAYS or WEEKS to digest, I just need someone to give me the Cliff’s notes and make it pretty.

That’s gross.

M. Night as the cabbages guy would rock.

My main fear, really, is that this movie is a success, they get to movie #2 in the trilogy, and they drop the ball on Toph. Toph must rule. If Toph is adapted poorly I shall cry.

I hope they get The Rock to play The Boulder.

The Boulder feels conflicted fighting a young, blind girl.

My seven year old has a crush on Toph, tho he won’t admit it.

Hopefully he can fit it in between mind-numbingly stupid children’s comedies. What the hell happened to that guy? There’s no reason he shouldn’t have ended up a full-fledged action star.

Here’s the extended trailer. About 2 minutes of footage.

Ze Link

I am now a little more nervous. Those child actors might be a problem.

Ouch. That is not good.

I get a really heavy Anakin Skywalker vibe of Zuko, which is very unfortunate. The shot at 1:11 is awful. No weight behind the hit, oddly sloppy movement by Aang, and just not believable at all. I’m surprised they put that in a trailer, especially considering nearly all the other fight shots are quite good.

Man, the whitewash on this movie is scary, is it sad that I think the Prince of Persia movie looks more ethnic? They could’ve cast at least somewhat questionably ethnic people for the other two kids besides Aang, couldn’t they?