Aven Colony - off-world city builder

Since the thread’s been bumped, I might as well mention that this is currently on sale on Steam for $7.49 as part of the Halloween sale. I haven’t actually picked this up yet, but I’ve been eyeing it. I think this will make me finally make the purchase!

So what happens when you buy a game and the developer is kaput (I realize in this case they said they only downsized I just mean more generally)? Does the publisher get all the money or do the individuals who worked on it most get some too (wherever they are now)?

Depends on the contract between the developer and publisher. Generally publishers own the IP and the developers are contractors performing “work for hire” - not entitled to any residual rights or financial compensation beyond the contracted payment. That contract could include gross or net profit sharing but that’s not common.

It’s on GOG now, 75% off! And according to a forum message, it even includes the Cerulean Vale DLC.


Its a great game, especially at that price!

How does it compare to, say, Anno 2070?

Ummm , little to no combat required, its all grid based building and everything is connected.

Proper balance and supply levels of say food / water / oxygen / power are very important. Your colony can death spiral very quickly if you don’t pay attention.

Hmmmm. I might get this. We’ll see.

Bought! No idea when I’ll be able to play this (I haven’t forgotten you, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, I swear), but this is a good offer, and DRM-free to boot on GOG. Looking forward to giving it a quick look soon.

Can you build while paused? That’s essential from my POV.

I am pretty sure you can. Its one of my pet peeves as well and I dont recall it here.

Its a fairly lowish pressure game. I really liked it. I found it an easy game to put down and walk away from. I mean that as a compliment. It doesnt ask a lot.

Yes you can build to your hearts content while paused.