Aven Colony - off-world city builder

Well, I was at the end of my game and decided to see how high I could crank happiness and I put the morale overlay on and the only buildings that didn’t have a smile were these buildings.

I didn’t go through and try to calculate it, but with an overall happiness of only 68, everything was all smiles except those buildings. Happiness is another thing that isn’t quite transparent enough - when I try to add up the positives and negatives, I’m not sure what I’m getting. Next game I’ll pay more attention and see what kind of formula is needed to get it to match up to the % it says the building is.

Ugh. Do not like Tenari Glacier. I got the 85% when I had 300. then when I had 500, it said “now go for 90% happiness and 300 people”. In the meantime, I had expanded like crazy & let it drop back down into the 70’s.

This may be the end of the campaign for me.

Too much micro / waiting around. If I were to try to make a run at it, I’d disable all the dispenseries & retail centers, horde up on inventory & then let it all loose at once. Seems like too much work to game the game.

Well for posterity, I completed the campaign today after someone gave me a clue on tenari. Otherwise I think I might have punted.

I have completed 2 of the challenge maps as well.

This is a fun game, and sometimes it can lull you into a false sense of security. After politely ignoring the warnings, I did lose a few games (i reloaded from a save) because when things spiral out of control, there is no way of recovering. So, pay attention to the warnings! Don’t get so low on water and never let a spore get inside until you have an operating hospital and chemical plant! Once I got the downward spiral, I never could recover.

I have really enjoyed this & will likely try the remaining challenge maps and I might go for a insane difficulty to see if I can hack it (to get the achievement of course).

Highly recommended game. Good story, it generates goals to keep you focused on what needs to be done - so I would call it minimal hand-holding.

It is fun balancing growth with happiness / food / housing / crime / water / power.

Glad you enjoyed it @Tman , I still have one or two missions left. I’ll get back to it eventually.

I’ve been enjoying this for the last couple days on my Xbox One, thanks to getting access to it through GamePass.

I haven’t tried Paradox’s City Skylines on my Xbox because it looks too fiddly, given it was designed for PC, but this game looked designed for consoles and handles great with a controller.

I just finished the 2nd or third map, an ice map where I have to build a space elevator to claim victory,. I’m enjoying the casual nature of the game so far, given the fact I’m just kicking back on the couch instead of poring over spread sheets while hunched over a desk.

I don’t normally play campaign maps in builders, but I like the goals and sense of direction here.

I heard from a friend that Mothership Games - developer of Aven Colony - closed its doors yesterday.

Explains why it’s been so quiet on this front of late.

Weird, they just put out content drop 3 for consoles this week.


I believe the console work was largely done by Team17, whereas the PC version was Mothership.

This is too bad. Another good game that just didn’t get the press that it deserved. I enjoyed playing it and would recommend it to anyone - even someone like me who really isn’t into city building, as the combination of goals and the offworld setting sold it for me.

It’s an interesting game. Once you get it figured out, it’s kind of laid back (even though you’re constantly under attack) as you can build defenses and there really isn’t too much time pressure (except for a few notable missions) so you can go at your own pace.

The series of missions in the game really trains you so that by the end, you can re-do them on the harder difficulties. I would have loved to have more maps.

Oh that’s so sad. I was really rooting for them.

Yep a really fun game, I recommend it anytime asks about a city builder.

Dammit that SUCKS, I really like what they did here.

I messaged them on Facebook to see if its true.

There were a ton of problems with Aven - pretty easy, little ‘rewiring’ of the city ever needed (contrast with the classics of Caeser III and Pharoah); the post-release flying car ‘transport’ mechanics sort of undermined an awful lot of the decision making; production limits were non-existent; winter was heavily under-explored as a game mechanic given its potential.

That said, I liked the game despite that. I’m sad to not see what they could have produced next.

And all of this stuff made is an excellent Xbox One game for me, because I don’t want a fiddly micro-heavy city builder on console. I wouldn’t enjoy the game as much on PC for these same reasons, but it’s great to play from my couch.

Yes, I can understand that! It’s a relaxing, reasonably well themed and quite pretty sci-fi city builder.

Aven colony responded to my facebook question!

Aven Colony We downsized, but we don’t comment on staffing changes.

So down but not out.

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