Avengers: Endgame (2019)

We watched in 3D only because of timing and tix availability. I definitely would’ve preferred 2D. 3D added nothing and made the film pointlessly darker.

All I know is that this movie is going to be break a lot of records before it’s all over. I checked the two nearest theaters to me for the next 8 days and didn’t find decent slots until I booked for the upcoming Friday. I don’t recall that ever happening before after the initial opening weekend.

People really do take spoilers seriously

That is darwinism in action right there. Its an asshole thing to do and anyone stupid enough to do that, deserves to get pummelled.

Yeah pretty much.

I don’t care much about spoilers, but I consider this pretty well karmically deserved. Hell I’d have probably given him a solid Gibbs smack myself.

I’m so excited. I thought I’d have to wait for another week or two to see it because my wife had a huge deadline coming up. Well, she’s giving me her blessing to see it on my own, and I’m seeing it at 9 am tomorrow. Can’t wait!!!

I just hope I can keep the seat. Only one left was a handicap assistance seat.

What is the etiquette on this? It seems silly to let the seat go empty out of politeness.

They said if someone in need asks for the seat, I’m to relinquish it.

Was planning to wait a week, but an unexpected opportunity to go see my grandma for a couple days came up next weekend, plus there was nothing else opening this week that we had any interest in. So we braved the crowds. Despite about 18-20 showings today at my local Alamo pretty much any decent seats/times were full up so front row (in the middle, at least) a bit after 1 was about the best we could do. Was their biggest theater, at least.

Now, I’ll tell you right now, at any theater other than the Alamo I would bail rather than accept front row seats, but they actually make it acceptable. Even the front row is a decent way back from the screen, and with electric recliners you end up with a pretty viable viewing angle when fully reclined. And of course, as is the Alamo standard you get actually entertaining preshow videos instead of ads. In this case, a three part recap of the franchise to date (with some pretty good jokes), a video of Thanos snapping his fingers and booty dancing (I think set to Lil Jon’s “Snap Your Fingers” but I can’t find the exact video they showed so maybe something similar instead), etc.

Also, they had a special theme menu, including an awesome coffee/ginger syrup/oreo/vanilla ice cream shake, a very spicy double-patty “Titan” burger, and both a chicken shawarma wrap and a chicken shawarma bowl for the more salad-oriented folks.

God I love this theater.

PS: Also really liked the movie. But that’s a subject for the spoiler thread.

This movie is bad and 3 hours long.

I liked it, because I was invested in some characters, and because is somewhat like that episode that WOAH DUDE. But otherwise is a bad movie, made wrong.


So 9 out of every 10 tickets this weekend were for Endgame.

Makes sense. It’s the only wide-release movie that came out this weekend, and last week featured such enormous box office draws as a Christian movie about a kid that went into a coma after falling through ice, a Disney documentary about penguins, and a Blumhouse horror movie that looks as derivative as humanly possible. Even two weeks back isn’t exactly a spectacular slate. I mean, obviously Endgame is a huge draw, but it also had next to no competition.

If this was the first Avengers movie a person had seen, that would probably be true. The last part of a serial is rarely “good” standing on its own.

Well, duh. It had no competition because no other studio dared to launch any major movie against it expecting that Endgame would wipe the floor with them.

Which, looking at the returns, was the right call.

Also the fact that every local screen was running it all day. And every showing was sold out all day.

Least surprising box-office result ever, given that it is arguably the greatest/most hyped cinematic event ever. It was obvious this was going to smash everything - especially once the reviews started coming out as positive as they are.

Took the wife and daughter to see it on a 10AM showing today. Considering I live in the God’s Waiting Room of the country, the theaters are never full for comic book movies. Most of us geezers do not watch them so I was surprised to find it quite full and that the local theatre had 19 separate showings today.

It was great. It was absolutely made for the fans who have stuck through 20+ different movies over 10+ years.

I mean, it didn’t just have no competition this week, it had no real competition almost all month. You’d have to go back three weeks to get to anything with much box office draw. (I guess maybe some people were excited for the new Laika movie? IDK.)

Okay … just got out. Wow.

Edit - NOT a movie for someone new or unfamiliar with the series