Bananas and Nuts 2.0

If he doesn’t get it, he’ll just take it for the bank anyways.

@OP: looks just like gaf except it’s not actually an OT.


This is the place for this, right? Abilio is a fucking moron. The fact that he’s still here, posting his drivel, and Tom isn’t fucking sucks.

Abilio fuck off. Why? Just because the room will smell better when your effluvia is gone. The world will be brighter when your cloud is gone. Beer will taste better. Sex will be better. And the world will spin faster when you are no longer here. Your presence is like a blister on this forum. Please pop yourself. Spew your pustulence elsewhere. You are a self-centered blight upon discourse here. Nobody likes you and your mother dresses you in a strange fashion.

Please be gone. Stop your shit. Plug your hole and disappear up your own ass. Do a Mxyzptlk, say your name backwards and vanish.

The place that you go will be sadder for your presence. But the Earth, and all who live upon it will gain 30 IQ points.

Get lost you fucking troll.

U mad bro?

Nope. Why do you ask?

Also, no landlord, thanks. I’m more like a crazy monk.

Interesting, I didn’t know the exact Narrator list.

Earlier today I took a dump! I felt it was relevant to this thread.

Please don’t be under the illusion that spewing like this makes you come off any better than Abilio at his most drama-heavy.

If you don’t like his posting, learn to use the ignore list.

Tom’s an adult and can take care of himself without the Internet White Knight Squad ranting and raving at the people he argues with.

I think just using the word ‘effluvia’ makes you sound like a pretentious douchebag, but hey, that might just be me.

If the owner of the site petulantly calling him a jackass and a busybodied little dipshit doesn’t faze him, what makes you think that a pile of gibberish from you will?

And they got on so well in the podcast!

Is it odd that I’ve been a QT3 member for around 6 years or so, peruse the forum nearly every day, and have no idea how any of this drama even comes about? Lately the P&R forum is where I spend most of my attention (reading, not posting), and the disagreements in there seem less explosive then all this racket.

Hey I’m drunk. So sue me. But I still don’t like the fucker.

This should be fun.

You might need this later on:

I’m not impressed.

But I still don’t like the fucker.

Even less impressed.

Yeah I thought about it. So let me get it straight. You want me to take my rants. From the thread about rants against people here. To another thread. Even though this is the thread about that kind of shit? And is here to avoid that kind of thing?

I think his point is that he isn’t impressed.

Okay it wasn’t to impress anyone. It’s that I had an opinion about an asshole.


I. Have a. Question.