Bananas and Nuts


Cierren sus bocas, IIRC. Need to pluralize the verb and change the suffix to reflect the imperative.

Also need to make boca plural, probably want to change the definite article to the possessive which, of course, should be plural as well.

Se is an unnecessary pronoun in that sentence.

I’m running out of fucking monocles here.

I re-edited that three times and I still don’t think I got it right. My wife’s the linguist. I met her by enrolling in one of her classes; I was a bit more focused on the teacher than the subject.

So I’m crossing my fingers that you or Tankero don’t humiliate me that badly.

No, my good fellow. I believe we will.

I think you’re on the right track with this most recent edit. But we can all agree that this episode of bilingual grammar nazi has run its course.

Good lord what happened here? I don’t pay attention for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose.

Tom, I also want to say thank you for what you’ve done here. Reading and participating in these forums have been the highlight of my internet experience. It really has been like visiting in a friends living room. I’m sorry if we abused the priviledge. Don’t give up on us.


This is awesome. It’s like the end of Ghostbusters when that dude shuts down the central containment unit and all the ghosts flood back into the city.

Thanks again Tom.

Oh man I want that game so bad.

You’ll be happy to hear that I’m now a seller of used monocles! Allow me to fulfill your monocular needs!

Are you talking about the job you just got?

“Next time someone asks if Tom Chick is a god… you say YES!”

What Ty said.

What everyone said.

What I said.



So, after all this discussion, we’ve conclusively determined that what we’d really like to say was said by… someone else.

No. Everyone else.
