Bananas and Nuts

How big was the Republican exodus? I’m too easily angered to wander into Politics and Religion much.

Not huge. Cherub, 1 or 2 others.

But we didn’t have that many to start with.
One of the (sort of) remaining is Canadian and the other dude voted for Obama…

Not like all the folks who moved to Canada when Bush got a second term, though…

How did I miss the FoRmAt and Kalle things? I must have actually been working some.

Besides Bob, there was also Fooey. Fooey didn’t actually post a whole lot, though, and might come back. I think he’s gone because of job trouble. As long as Sarah Palin is alive and hasn’t gotten Alaskan independence from the United States, Fooey will not be truly gone.

Because people love to read about themselves.

You’re right.

I will now either have to change my name or post racist drivel in this thread.

Anaxagoras? What kind of name is that? Sounds greek and you know what they say about the greek…!?!

No no, the racist drivel goes in other threads, eventually to add to the chart. The chart thread itself shall only be for praise of the chart, and reflection upon the chart’s events. Be wary, O qt3, of using the chart thread for speculation of the future changes to the chart, for changes to the chart come as thieves in the night. Take heed of the pride of the pharisees and yentasees bringing the first temple of the chart low, and threaten not the chart’s return!


Thanks for all the great tips everyone. I’ve updated the chart on Page 1. You might need to refresh the page to see the new version.

What? RyanMicheal is Machfive?

Have you seen our women? We have no choice in the matter.

By the way, I can’t figure out two of the icons:

The bear with a beret (banned for extreme pretentiousness?)


The white… thing… on a pink background. (I have no idea what that might be)

You probably don’t wan’t to know that, but I think it rhymes with Boatsie.

The graphic is essentially a melding of two different charts. Since a member can be represented in both parts, the numbers are cross-references linking the two halves.

I suppose I haven’t been here long enough to get all the jokes, but I don’t get most of the ban icons.

Very nice, but I believe I have cought a serious spelling error, my good sir.

Yu seem to have spelled KONY with an O, which is perfectly understandable since he thinks of himself as a King of New York (look it up in the Urban Dictionary if you wonder “why a and not the?”), but I do believe he actually spelled his moniker K0NY with the number 0 instead of the letter O.
Confusing, I know. But this is serious business.

There needs to be a legend for the icons.

You’re correct, K0NY is spelled with a “0”, but I used an “O” instead because in the font used on the chart, the “0” did not match the other characters well and looked very out of place. I tried experimenting with it a bit but didn’t like the results, so it wasn’t so much a mistake as it was a choice to increase readability. In the next update I’ll substitute a more appropriate “0”.

For those wondering about the icons, they generated some speculation on what they might possibly represent in the original Banning Registry thread, starting with post #1332. As is the tradition, there are no plans to include a legend for this chart.

So eat it, bitches!!! Also, Albert’s 1,000th post.