Bargain Thread 2014

Humble Store has Sacred 3 on Daily Deal for $24.99 (50% off). Cheapest I’ve seen the game since release.

Warlock 2 on the Humble Store for $8. That may be worth it to somebody.

From what I’ve read, $25 is way more than Sacred 3 is worth. I’m waiting for it to hit $3 on a Steam sale myself.

Let me put it this way. I bought Space Rangers 2 at full price (back in the day, $50) in the full knowledge that it contained Starforce, one of the worst DRMs ever created (since removed in digital versions, thankfully). I then paid full price for the expansion. Then I rebought it digitally. Then I rebought it again on Steam to get the additional content they added in the latest version of the game. AND IT WAS STILL WORTH IT.

I actually revisited Space Rangers HD recently. I never get tired of it. There is a ton of (different types of) gameplay wrapped up in a living universe that oozes personality. And the RTS and text adventures are skippable.

The Steam Halloween sale has started!

Too many titles to list here, but a couple of standouts:

Evil Within Season Pass - $9.99
Insurgency - $7.49 (Just got a large update too!)

Steam today: King’s Bounty: Dark Side - $12.49 - (50% off).
[indent]Don’t ask me, I didn’t even know this game existed. It’s recently released a few months ago.[/indent]
Steam weekend #1: Watch_Dogs - $35.99 - (40% off).
[indent]This should be the first time this game is on sale?[/indent]
Steam weekend #2: Transistor - $9.99 - (50% off).
Steam weekend #3: Halloween 2014 sale.
[indent]Probably stuff you’ll pass over in a Steam sale…what caught my eye is: Fallout classic bundle, The Typing of the Dead: Overkill Collection, Van Helsing II: Complete pack.[/indent]

There are ~1,000 new discounts on Steam. Browse the specials instead of the Halloween stuff if you want to see them all.

It’s true! I saw a few games in my wishlist on discount that wasn’t mentioned in the Halloween sale page: GhostControl Inc being the most exciting one.

Yeah, the official Halloween list only has a fraction of what’s on sale.

Thanks for mentioning it. BOUGHTEN!

Some games that a noticed while scanning the sale list

Sang-Froid 1.49
Trine 2
Atom Zombie Smasher 3.99
The Swapper 4.49
Spec Ops: The Line 5.09
Mark of the Ninja Special Edition 6.11
Brothers: A Take of Two Sons 5.09
Prison Architect 9.89
The Secret World 10.19
The Secret World: MAssive Edition 20.89
Legends of Eisenwald 11.99
The Walking Dead: Season 2 12.49
Kings Bounty the Dark Side 12.49
DMC Devil May Cry 16.99

Warlock 2 at GMG for 5.99

I probably got 15-20 hours out of my 1 play through, which I enjoyed.

Looks intriguing, but it’s early access. Anyone have it? Any comments?

I previewedthe game well over a year ago. Overall I liked what I saw, but there were some problems. The combat system was a little quirky. If you moved you had to attack. I assume it’s still the same that way.

It’s been $9.99 before. Don’t be a sucker, man.

Elminage Gothic for $3.99.

Is the new Shadowgate really good?

Groupees has a new Doujin bundle thing starting in an hour, and a couple other new ones on the site. Their halloween bundle has the Last Door, Blinding Dark, and Bad Mojo steam games.

60% off already, geez. It’s only been out a month. Hope that doesn’t mean EG sold terribly.

Unfortunately, being a mega-niche RPG with sorta-anime art, it almost certainly did. :(

Hmm, Legacy of Kain Franchise Pack for $4. I vaguely remember hearing positive buzz about those back in the day – anyone vouch for them particularly strongly?