Bargain Thread 2015

Steam today: Strike Vector - $2.99 - 75% off. QT3 thread.

Steam midweek #1: Prison Architect - $7.49 - 75% off. Early Access. QT3 thread

Steam midweek #2: Mordheim: City of the Damned - $21.43 - 33% off. Early Access QT3 thread

Damn, three hours. I’ll take a closer look, though maybe as an individual sale.

I got most of my stormtrooper murder simulation from Jedi Outcast and Academy (by then I got tired of it and skipped to the end). Like Nazis, it never hurts to kill more.

Strike Vector I would play, but there are like, literally 3 people playing the game on any given non-sale day.

I could probably get an hour or two out of it tonight. Worth three bucks? Hmm.

Edit: Wrong game! DO NOT BUY STRIKE VECTOR! I was obviously overcome with dumb earlier.

Any good mods for the first knights of the old republic?

IndieGala has Dying Light on sale for 20% off ($48) for the next 3 days or so.

Steam today: SpeedRunners - $2.49 - 75% off. Early Access.
[indent]EA game going 75% off? That’s not a good sign. And look at the awards it won 3-4 years ago![/indent]

GOG’s staff picks this week are several recent indie games at various discounts (16 hours left to go as of this post):
[li]Super Time Force - $7.49 - 50% off.
[/li][li]Fez - $2.49 - 75% off.
[/li][li]Papers Please - $4.99 - 50% off.
[/li][li]Volgarr the Viking - $2.99 - 75% off.
[/li][li]The Last Door: Collector’s Edition - $1.99 - 80% off.

Not really. Some cosmetic mods, but nothing I would bother installing.

Do the restore content mods for KotOR 2 play nice with the Steam version? As I understand it those are pretty essential.

Unless there have been any changes since I last played it, it works fine.

Unfortunately, the codes seem one-off/personalized, but if you’re on the GMG mailing list they sent out discount codes for 22% off GTA 5 and 24% off Evolve.

I’d been waiting on the Evolve discount, $45 bucks for the standard edition. Check your email if you’re on the list.

Or you could get lucky like me and it could break your game. sigh 40 hours of my life, gone.

Few things… First, Speedrunners is a ton of fun but you can play the local multiplayer for free. Download the demo. Four-player awesome. Paying gets you more and user-created levels. I won’t pay til it’s released, but the core game is super.

Second, if you haven’t played Volgarr the Viking, that’s a must. It’s incredible. Feels just like the very best of 16-bit action platform gaming. It’s ripped from the early 90’s. Love it.

Finally, NewEgg has been doing some neat pre-order sale pricing in their email ads. Today they have The Witcher 3 for $52.99 for Xbox One and PS4. Coupon code is EMCANAS53. Also, they have Mario Party 10 for WiiU for $43.99. Coupon code is EMCANAS55. I got Kirby and the Rainbow Curse pre-ordered the other day for $34.99. For Nintendo games especially, these are great deals, but any day one discount is worth it if you know you’re buying IMO.

Get on their mailing list and you’ll see the sales as they happen.

Sniper Elite III - $14.99 on Steam

Someone couldn’t wait for me! (Not that I’m on time anyways…)

Steam today: To The Moon - $2.49 - 75% off.

Steam weekend #1 is Sniper Elite III as mentioned above. II is $5.99 - 80% off, and I is $0.99 - 90% off!

Steam weekend #2 is Divinity: Original Sin - $23.99 - 40% off.
[indent]All the older Divinity’s in a bundle - $5.99 - 80% off.
Hmm, that bundle is missing Divinity: Dragon Commander, which is also 80% off.[/indent]

Steam blast-of-the-past: Seven Kingdoms 2 HD - $4.99 - 50% off. Enlight lives!

Also Square Enix Weekend, great deals on basically everything:

Been waiting for this to get below $20! Finally!!!

Yeah, is Sniper Elite 3 worth it at $15?


I am only half way through the campaign, that I started back in like September? I think… Its a much improved version of V2, if you liked that, and like the desert. Then you will definitely enjoy this.