Bargain Thread 2015

Thanks, I was waiting for the price to drop. I’ve no idea how good the game is, but I love the setting. I think I’ll give the game a try even if it has SecuROM.

Steam today: Goat Simulator - $3.39 - 66% off.

Humble Store Rockstar weekend sale.
[indent]All but 2 games 80% off (so $1.99 for GTA3 etc., $2.99 for Bully/GTA San Andreas).
Max Payne 3 - $4.99 - 75% off.
GTA V - no discount. [/indent]

GOG is having a weekend UBIsoft Classics Promo.

Is the consensus that the original Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete is better than the HD remake?

Absolutely, since it has the expansions and includes – thanks to the expansions – the fantastic random map generator. The HD version lacks the expansions, sadly.

Worth it for 5$ just because it does so many things differently than other games in the genre.

The combat system is pretty cool, units soft counter each other and positioning is important. You can flank, use cavalry charges to push infantry into your pikemen, set fire to forests to cut off retreat and build defensive structures. When you can’t beat an army in a straight fight you can resort to intrigue and damage their morale or even capture or kill their generals.
The officers (there are a lot of them) all have various skills and stats that have a big impact on the battlefield (and city and empire management). Recruiting good officers and making sure your own leaders don’t defect is a big part of the game.

The strategic layer is not that complex but solid but it suffers from 4x disease. When you hit critical mass the game becomes very easy but there’s a bunch of scenarios with different start dates (kinda like in EU or CK2) and each lord has its own strengths and weaknesses. When you start out with poor lands, a bunch of traitorous officers with crappy stats and play a lord that is neither an amazing administrator nor a great general the game can be challenging.

If you like 4x games, turn based combat, CK like character management and generals with personalities like in the Total War series ROTK11 is worth picking up.

Yeah, I picked it up, couldn’t resist.

Thanks zombo!

Wayward Souls is today’s free android app at amazon. Heard good things about this one.

Xbox owners: Last chance to get the free Forza Horizon 2 Fast & Furious standalone for both 360 & XOne. It’s good! Will be $10 soon.


Where, link? Thanks!

I was all excited because I thought Forza Horizon 2 was on sale for $10. I should learn how to read!

GTA V for $30.08 from Nuuvem. Redeems on RockStar Social Club.

You will need to use the Hola VPN browser plugin and Paypal.

Worked great for me from the US.


I did this last night. When I set Hola to Brazil, I had problems logging into my Nuuvem account. Switched to Argentina, and everything worked fine. GTA V is downloaded and ready to go.

Another trick is to log in with Hola off, then switch Hola on after you are logged in and add the game to your cart.


Is the game going to be in Portuguese though? Or have Portuguese subtitles? I’ve never bought a game from a different country so I have no idea how that works.

Typically no. My copy of Shadow of Mordor came via Nuuvem, and was the NA version.

As always caution is advised, check to make sure the version is the English version. There are cases where there is a Brazil specific SKU.

I paid the $43 over at Greenman Gaming, and am happy enough.

@CraigM: Yeah I’ve checked but there’s no mention anywhere about languages, not even in the game’s FAQ. I think I’ll wait until someone can confirm that there’s at least an option to play the game in its original English language.

Steam today: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - $3.74 - 75% off.
[indent]Great adventure game. Everyone should play this once.[/indent]

Steam weeklongs. Random pick of games by me:
[li]The Ship: Murder Party - $2.49 - 75% off.
[/li][indent]100 Metacritic user score![/indent]
[li]Hearts of Iron Collection III (Jan 2014) - $15.29 - 66% off.
[/li][li]Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack - $0.44 - 85% off.
[/li][indent]That’s a ridiculous price. I’m not sure I can even buy candies with 44 cents anymore.[/indent]
[li]Retro City Rampage DX - $3.99 - 60% off.
[/li][li]Echelon - $0.99 - 75% off.
[/li][indent]Wow here’s an old game I’ve heard of but nobody (incl. me) has played. Spacy, too. Paging Brian…[/indent]
Busy at work today, less time to go through the list.

New hidden object game bundle. 8 of them for $2.

Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island
House of 1,000 Doors: Family Secrets
House of 1,000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster CE
Nearwood – Collector’s Edition
Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome CE
Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders
Space Legends: At the Edge of the Universe