Bargain Thread 2017

Life is Strange (the complete season) for $4.29 is a pretty good deal, as is The Turing Test for $8.57 and Ember for $3.79. I’ve been watching for a deal on The Turing Test for months now.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided for $15.29 is a gimme, if you don’t already have it.

I got one and connected it to my PS3, so now using a better controller on my old PS.

It also lets you output your PC audio to the headphone jack in the controller.

New Intergalactic Humble Bundle is pretty, pretty good

Edit: “good” if you don’t already own these great games or have them on Steam yet 😜

@abidingdude Its a horrible bundle. I already own everything in it. :(

I know, right?

Just FYI, it’s all strategy games, except for Rebel Galaxy. So if someone like me saw “Intergalactic” and that thought it might be space sims, we’d be disappointed.

This could be said of the space game genre has a whole right now, not just this bundle. :/

They’re the best kind of sims! Economic!

Perfect bundle for me. I’d been putting off buying Offworld Trading Company, Gal Civ III and Rebel Galaxy until I could nab each for 75% off in a Steam sale (probably this summer). Now I get all three for essentially $5 each. DEAL.

Added bonus, I don’t own Sins : Trilogy, PA : Titans or Space Hulk Ascension yet either, so my backlog is freaking out right now. I’ll need to calm it down by reassuring it that I’m “a collector, there’s no way I’ll ever actually play all these games”…

In for a buck for Space Hulk.

$15 tier for me. I’ve been waiting to get Offworld Trading Company so this is like getting six free games with it. I have a zillion games to play but one (seven) more can’t hurt for $15. :)

Is SoaSE:Trinity basically an earlier iteration of Rebellion?

Practically, yes. Rebellion was the next expansion I believe, with the super ships.

I have Rebellion already is why I ask–but haven’t played it yet.

If you already have Rebellion than there is absolutely no need for Trinity.

I resemble these remarks. Didn’t own any of 'em, great deal for $15.

Thanks, dude. I might throw them a buck for the Space Hulk game if it’s any good. Is combat turn-based? The video kind of makes it look that way.

Never mind the last question, one of these days I really should learn to read. :-\

Endless Space Collection (apparently known previously as Emperor / Gold Edition-- it’s all very confusing to me) is just $1 on the Steam store.

Thanks - boughtened with Card income!