Bargain Thread 2017

There is a report button at the bottom. Probably could be bigger.

Anyways its gone so yeah was fishy. Same thing used to happen on the Android store. Part of the problem with having a true open platform I guess.

Maybe I am getting old but that game makes me feel… uncomfortable.

Banner Saga 2 is only $6.79 (66%) as’s Star deal today only. has some decent Hot Deals live:

Viking tactical ARPG KYN is only $2.00 (90%)
Skyshine’s BEDLAM is also only $2.00 (90%)
How To Survive 2 is $3.82 (75%)
Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons is only $1.35 (90%)
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death can be yours for $0.95 (80%)
Guild of Dungeoneering : Ice Cream Edition is $7.59 (67%). Contains both DLC.
Sherlock Holmes and the Devil’s Daughter is $13.38 (70%).

Follow up on the growing problems of based resellers exploiting they are working on it.

One of the solutions that was suggested was creating a feed with only approved sellers, which would prevent this issue in the future.

Shadows of Mordor GOTY edition $4 on Xbox Live.

I have to hand it to THQ Nordic and WB. They’re the two publishers who are the most consumer-friendly in terms of their pricing. Their prices come down fast, and they never hit a floor. They just keep going down even farther than you think they would possibly go. And then they go down even farther than that.

So kudos to Warner Brothers in this case. I never thought they would go lower than 7.50, but they did!

I wonder if this means that the game will be offered free to GwG members soon?

They have a sequel coming. It’s pretty clear this is to promote the upcoming full-priced game.

Yeah, I bought a copy, though I’m not sure when or if I’ll play it. I’m not really into Lord of the Rings and the actual gameplay seems quite, I don’t know, derivative is probably harsh but it’s the first word that comes to mind.

Shame about how they handle their PC ports (specifically thinking of Mortal Kombat, but it’s not the only offender).

This may help your enjoyment some ;)

Slight sarcasm, obviously, but as someone who found The Lord of the Rings transformational at the time (I participated in some very lore serious forums, that had a strong RP focus, when in High School, and also edited some stuff on Encyclopedia of Arda), I had some issues with the story and themes of Shadow of Mordor. Still enjoyed it as a game, but don’t really consider it a Lord of the Rings game. Mostly a slightly lesser version of an Arkham/ Assassins Creed game with the interesting nemesis system and a Tolkien colored coat of paint slapped over.

So derivative isn’t wrong. It doesn’t really do anything that Arkham City didn’t do better mechanically with fighting. But the meta mechanics of the nemesis system are worth checking it out for.

Mainly my problem is that I’m kind of allergic to fantasy. I make exceptions in the cases of things like The Witcher and Game of Thrones where it’s kind of easier to disregard, but I’m more of a sci-fi kind of geek. Now, having said that, I’ve seen some stuff in this game that looked kind of cool. I think the nemesis system seems interesting, and I love that the captains have like their own theme songs? I was watching some video where a guy ran into one of the captains whose name was Dush, and this chanting started up, sounded like a bunch of dudes going “DOOOUCHE … DOOOUCHE” and I probably laughed for a solid ten minutes. I can eat some derivative gameplay vegetables for treats like that.

Oh no need to excuse your preference for sci fi! I mostly don’t go in for fantasy myself. I’ll gladly read a dozen mediocre sci fi stories, but struggle with all but the very best of fantasy. At least any more that’s how I am, I used to be more interested in fantasy than I am now.

But, yeah, it’s hard to say whether, or how much, you would like Shadow of Mordor. You could be like me, and find it worthwhile, if only average, or you could bounce off it hard and hate it. I doubt it would contend for a GOTY for you, but that’s projecting a bit.

I dunno, may be worth a flier. Just go in with expectations properly set.

Slitherine iOS games on significant discount. Just note that several are 32-bit.

Shadow of Mordor : GOTY is also $4.00 (80% off) on Steam for the weekend. It’s also FREE to play all weekend long, so you can decide if it’s worth a Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino or not before you purchase.

More WB sale goodness can be found at BundleStars, where The Batman Arkham Pack is the Star Deal today at $6.99 (83%). Contains both Arkham City GOTY and Arkham Asylum GOTY.

All of those are amazing deals. The Batman one is incredible. The first two Arkham games are among my favorites ever–the challenge maps make for longevity, and Mark Hammil’s VA as the Joker is always a joy.

Xbox Rewards + Gold deal
Civilization Revolution (360, X1 BC) is the thursday game. More info:

Basically you can buy the game for 7.50 +tax, then get 6 dollars back in the MS wallet later this month.

That’s a great deal. It makes me wish I didn’t already own the game through the Games With Gold program.

Well, I thought I had escaped the Steam sale fairly unscathed until you had to post this…

Oh, a Stardew Valley remains 9 bucks through the 10th on Steam.

Holy cow, GMG has some awful games in their “Loot Box” deals, lol.
Included in my haul was this game:
Recovery Search & Rescue Simulation - a game apparently so awful that the lone thumbs up on Steam (out of 27) was a joke review.

That said, it only cost me 50¢

[quote=“mok, post:1100, topic:127797, full:true”]

Well, I thought I had escaped the Steam sale fairly unscathed until you had to post this…[/quote]

My work here is done. I shall relax and look forward to my Steam referral fee of $0.0005.

I keep waffling on gambling $10 on the 20 item box. Did you actually get anything decent or a GMG credit in yours?

I bought two 3-packs, and it was pretty meager.

  • Forest Warrior (a cheap Early Access title)
  • Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 2 (looks like a very old-school RPG, decent reviews)
  • Three Dead Zed (an odd platformer/puzzle game)
  • Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers (an arcade flight sim, despite its title, and supposedly not very good)
  • Taxi (exactly what it sounds like, and just as boring and bumpy per reviews)
  • and, of course, that “glorious masterpiece” mentioned above, Recovery Search & Rescue Simulation

EDIT - I had to try again, thinking maybe it was just bad luck. Apparently not.

  • Post Master (a postal tycoon game?!?)
  • Taxi (again)
  • Global Soccer Manager (text only, looks pretty darn basic compared to Football Manager)