Bargain Thread 2018

There’s no shame in stopping something before you’re done if you’re not enjoying it. I read over fifteen hundred pages of Dan Simmons’s Ilium/Olympos and quit 50 pages from the end because I was just done. That guy is so extremely hit or miss for me.

That was me! I was actually waffling and thinking of giving it another shot, so thanks for the warning!

I am currently 72% through the last release Song of Fire and Ice book. Lat year I was about 60%. I really don’t like it. I kept telling myself I should read it before the TV series ends, but something changed. The books before it I really enjoyed, read quickly, this one is just… ugh. I thought getting it on Kindle might help some… nope.

Pern is not a bad series, but the characters are kind of Mary Sue’s and there is no real tension or conflict in the books. But I think they’re meant for kids, so it’s okay.

I found a nice compromise in my case, which is to mellow the “garbage” branding with the admission that I, too, enjoy consuming “garbage” from time to time (though maybe in a different form). My Netflix list can testify to that.

I’ve noticed the same. Several books I have really enjoyed have been eviscerated here. And I have noticed the opposite, things I did not enjoy are really loved.

People like what they like. Don’t let others deter you. Post what you like and ignore those that have an extremely strong negative opinion.

Oh yeah, I’ve been part of plenty of discussions about various topics but the book thing is a little different. It’s not even during discussions these are being it’s more like what do you like, recommend or in this case it’s a sale that the some in the book group are just a little more sporty at seeing certain titles even mentioned.

I liked Pern before it got into the time travel stuff. Then I lost interest.

The best bits of Pern, IMHO, was in Dragonsdawn with the original landing and creation of the dragons. I read 'em all, but none of the rest came even close to tickling the imagination like that one.

Ah thanks, will look into that. That’s the part of the series that appealed to me the most!

I have a soft spot for The White Dragon. I also read a number of short stories that I enjoyed. My sister read a lot more of her stuff way back as did my mom. It’s definitely a unique take when it comes to the world, dragons and society in general.

People here seem to have a weird chip on their shoulder about “good writing”, as if they expect James Joyce to write their next RPG (…which would be pretty weird, come to think of it). I guess I’m not surprised it gets magnified a bit when discussing books.

I thought the Dragon* books were okay but I definitely have good memories of the Crystal Singer books. I’m sure they don’t hold up now but I might go reread them anyway.

It’s been a little while, but didn’t they get into that in the very first book?

It’s possible - it’s been years since I tried reading them, just remember how much that part of the plot annoyed me! Just seemed a bit much to me.

I remember adoring the early Pern books as a teenager. I have no idea how they hold up, but I keep meaning to get back to them. Heck, I’d probably grab that deal but I much prefer paper to digital.

As fascinating as the works of or inspired by those of Anne McCaffrey may be, might they better be discussed elsewhere?

Wow. 20+ posts since I last checked in. Must be some killer game deals going on.


Ah. Of course.

Speaking of which, PSN Holiday sale is on now. Hitman 2 already 50% off (regular edition), holy crap.

So I’m browsing the list and I see an anime game with some random Japanese name:

“Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai is a fighting game with an all-female cast […]”

Of course it is. Of course.

I appreciate books as much as the next person, but more deals, less book chatter please!