Bargain Thread 2018

Yeah, me too. But I noticed Battlefield 1 itself is on sale for $6, May have to grab that!

If I found Endless Legend really dry and uninteresting, is there any reason I’d get along with Endless Space 2 better? I generally love space 4X titles, but I’m an Amplitude skeptic at this point.

Yeah, it’s a tempting price. $9 for the version including the Premium Pass, but if that’s going to be free… plus I don’t play multiplayer, so I don’t think there’s anything there for me anyway.

If you found EL dry and uninteresting, you will not like ES2.

Not from what I could tell trying it on one of their free weekends.

I found EL wonderful but bounced off ES2, so let me modify this a bit. If you found ES1 dry and uninteresting, you will definitely not like ES2.

Thanks for the feedback, folks. Amplitude games always sound appealing and look fantastic, but I seem to reliably bounce hard off of them despite wanting to love them. It sounds like there’s no reason to think this would be any different.

Late to the party with my answer, so thanks to everyone else for providing basically the same one I would have.

The first time I played Endless Legend I found it very difficult to grasp and unlike anything I’d played before. I bounced off of it hard. I came back some time later after it had received a couple of patches and a DLC, and I read up on getting started and how to navigate the UI. Suddenly it clicked for me, and I’ve loved the game ever since. I bought every DLC thereafter.

Endless Space 2 has far more in common with Endless Legend than it does the original Endless Space. If you disliked EL, even after giving it a couple of tries, you will bounce off of ES2 as well.

Not really a contradiction! I think it’s fair to say:

a) If you disliked EL, you certainly dislike ES2.
b) Even if you liked EL, you may not like ES2.

I think EL has much tighter design overall. ES2 should be better, but it drops the ball in more places.

I bought EL during a Steam sale but that tutorial is just a firehose of information and by the time it’s over you can’t remember any of it, and then they just say “OK, go play now.” Is there some resource that introduces stuff more gradually?

Have you read their 70-page manual linked to on the Steam store page?

Alien Isolation Collection is the Fanatical Star Deal today. $8.89 (82%) which is close to a historic low for the complete collection. Hurry though, it’s selling out fairly quickly…

Humble Store has Offworld Trading Company Complete for only $19.95 (73%) as part of their Summer Sale. Get another 10% off if you’re a monthly subscriber.

The Deer God is free over on the Google Play Store:

I got a notification that Battlefield 1 is on sale for 5 bucks on Origin again, and heard or read that for a couple of days they’re giving away the season pass to keep forever (though that may be a consoles-only thing).

Just checked again, the BF1 season pass is now available for free on Xbox One if you, you know, want it. I guess.

Sweet. $3 is $3.

All platforms. Add it to your library from now until the 18th and the season pass is yours to keep.

So $5 for Battlefield 1 on PC and that will include all the DLC via the pass?

Correct! I recently jumped back in , as servers with the DLC maps in rotation are now populated.

I think the additional stuff is also free for Battlefield 4 now too? I can’t remember which one that was.