Bargain Thread 2020 should have stopped this bundle at the original 740 and added a second for $5 more.

Considering they are nearing 4.5 million, I think they are doing fine

Platinum collection bundle on Fanatical is $10 to pick 3 games. The selection includes: Deep Sky Derelicts, Undead Horde, Sigma Theory, Dirt Rally 2, Deus Ex MD, FRAMED, and more.

Empyrion Galactic Survival (early access) is $8 on Steam to go with its Alpha 12 update.

Only a few hours left on the colossal itch bundle.

~1,000 games for a 5$ minimum donation.


Imagine if you’ve worked for years carefully clearing your backlog. And then itchio drops right on your head.

This is bargain-adjacent for anyone who owns The Witcher 3 on a non-GOG platform:

To get The Witcher 3 for FREE, you need to download GOG Galaxy 2.0 and connect a platform (PC or console) with The Witcher 3 on it to be able to claim a GOG copy of game.

You can get the base game or the The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition, depending on what you already own on other gaming platforms.

Reminder that the Nintendo summer sale ends today!

Wow, this is really generous. I own it on Xbox, so that means I’ll now get a copy on PC via GoG? I’ll have to try that tonight when I get home.

I’ve always wanted to try some kind of first person mod.

Yes, but you need the latest version of Galaxy and also of course have connected your Xbox account to it.

Yep yep. I’m already ahead there. I love GoG Galaxy 2.0. I love being able to search whether I own a game on any platform, including playstation and xbox.

I noticed my version of GOG Galaxy was from May, seems auto-update wasn’t working. So I re-downloaded the client and then the free version of Witcher 3 , with the claim button did show up!

They mention here that the newest version of the client is suggested.

I got an email from them a few months ago that said if I had a particular version, I had to manually install a new version or I wouldn’t get updates anymore. I guess you were affected.

Sadly, it appears the Playstation integration is broken, according to my experience and their forums. Would be nice if they fix it in time to claim the Witcher.

I have Witcher 3 on Xbox, how do I connect my account? Do I have to do it on Xbox?

You do it in the GOG Galaxy client.

Ok, I figured it out. After I imported my games to GoG, I notice some games like Age of Wonders Planetfall give me the option to download even though I only own the Xbox version. Did I get the PC version for free on some games? This is strange.

I had been waiting a long time for Dead Cells to have a good discount. The wait is over!

Near historical low at gamersgate, sale ends June 17th.

There’s a Klei sale on steam. Oxygen Not Included for $14.99. Big discounts on all Don’t Stave titles.

I noticed the same. Xbox games that are play anywhere can be downloaded. But games that aren’t show up unless you filter games to Windows only. At least, that’s how I’m seeing it. So your Xbox games are in your collection, but are unplayable unless they’re play anywhere (trying to install AOW Planetfall as a test took me to the Windows store to buy it).

Just checked and you’re right, I’m seeing the same. No free PC games for me!