Barry on HBO

Other than missing NoHo Hank, it was one of the best. It didn’t end the way I expected, but I still think Fuches will try to recruit the girl.

You are so right. It was so surreal. I loved it.

I also loved seeing Daniel Bernhardt.


In a week that had Avengers Endgame and the Battle of Winterfell, “Ronny/Lily” ends up winning the crown for sheer epic-ness. It is Pine Barrens with the volume cranked up.

Bill Hader wrote and directed the episode.

After watching some of Bill’s discussions on film for the Criterion Channel, I’m convinced. Bill Hader might be one of the most formidable talents in Hollywood right now.

I really enjoyed season 1 but the season went dark enough that I didn’t have enthusiasm for season 2. Doesn’t feel right to laugh at the jokes anymore.

Given that everyone seems to like it I’m sure I’ll give it a chance though.

You should give it a chance. I was reluctant too, but you’re in the hands of true masters here. They know how to craft a tone along with everything else.

I know this is not a fair comparison, but I was watching The Predator on HBO yesterday before I watched the new episode of Barry. And it’s just such a night and day difference. One has really bad writing. So bad that you feel like you can’t really judge the acting or anything else all that well, independent of the writing. And in Barry, it’s such a contrast because the writing is so good, everything else shines as well.

Pine Barrens is a great analogy.

Okay, I’ll do it.

My mood going into it – like if you told me in Season 2 Barry kills every member of the acting class one by one, and finally shoots himself in the head in the season finale, I’d totally buy it. That seems like a plausible season 2!

Here’s how to gird your brain for Season 2 of Barry: go in thinking “I wonder what would happen if someone made a TV show inspired by some of the greatest ‘WTF’ moments in the best Coen Brothers crime movies of the last 30 years?” That should get your expectations into the right spot.

And pancakes!

Someone else had that exact thought as well.

That was good.

Another great episode.

At first I thought Sally’s reaction to Barry getting an audition was really predictably selfish. But then she does her little monologue (brilliantly acted btw), and you know what? Maybe she has grown into a better person due to more self reflection. That was beautiful.

Also, what a cliff-hanger.

Agreed. Was that the season finale?

One more left.

They’re not going to leave us at that cliffhanger, thank god.

Next week, Game of Thrones and Barry final episodes on Sunday. My Hulu and HBO subscriptions last until Tuesday. HBO was very generous with their show airing times this season for people who just wanted to subscribe for a month.

That was a hell of a season finale. Wow.

Nah, have another cliffhanger.

There were better episodes this season, but that was a solid finale. I didn’t think there was really anywhere else to go after the first season, but I’m happy I was wrong.

I really enjoyed Season 2 but I think Season 1 was stronger and had a better ending - maybe because they weren’t sure if they’d get a Season 2 so they had to make it stand as a series finale if necessary?

Still Barry remains my second favorite ongoing series (only The Good Place tops it) and I can’t wait for Season 3

Bill Hader and John Mulaney did a thing to ostensibly talk about the show the night of the May 12 episode, and they’re having way too much fun.

I watched this whole thing. It’s pretty amazing to see two genuinely funny guys just shoot the shit and have it be so entertaining.