Battlefield 1 - DICE, gas attacks, biplanes, cavalry, bayonet charges

This game is just so amazing on every level. I can’t think of a single thing it does wrong.

Question: if I buy a bunch of copies on Green Man Gaming, will I get the “cd key” that people can use to unlock the game on Origin? OK just tried it, got an “image not shown” for my product code, great…

I don’t know what’s going in with the purchase you just made, but yes, you get an Origin key. I’ve never had issues w GMG. I also don’t recall ever getting an image of a key. In your GMG website account games library it should be listed in plain text.

Played most of the first tank chapter, seemed more CoD-ish than previous versions of the BF series.

Would have played more, but the game was pausing every 5 min to ask me if I was SURE that I wanted to be using my limited game trial time. Exactly the kind of annoyance I was suspecting would happen when the XB1 was originally announced at E3. DRM, yay.

Weird, I didn’t get any trial reminders at all that I remember. That would suck! I was hoping I’d be able to run through the whole campaign but of course they put in a limiter to stop those grand plans.

I don’t think GMG has given out the codes yet. I haven’t received mine anyways. /sadpanda

That tank mission is a lot better without the nagging :). It’s really a nice way to introduce a lot of stuff, though once I did have it sort of get stuck. An enemy tank that needed to arrive so it could be destroyed, and hence let you hit the next checkpoint, got stuck in the mud or on a rock for a bit. Once it saw me (I had to run over to it) it unstuck itself and everything proceeded apace.

So you can opt in to 4 different medals every 4 days, it seems. I am working through them, and I decided to give the scout medal a go

  • 20 kills with single shot rifles – ok
  • 5 headshots with single shot rifles – ok
  • 5 kills in a single life with single shot rifles – DIZAMN

Understand I am the world’s worst sniper, and I play sniper as my absolute last pick, so this is a superhuman effort for me. We were on the city street map and I hung out at the end of the railroad tracks looking for stragglers, getting max distance between me and the other team. I’m trying as hard as I can to be careful, and the more kills I get, the more careful I have to be.

  • 4 kills… die
  • 4 kills… die


Then the behemoth train came so I switched roles for a bit. We blew it up reasonably fast (I got at least 4 land mines hits on the tracks) then we recovered A point. I decided I’ll try this again, way on the end of the railroad tracks, working my way up again.

  • 3 kills… oh man maybe I can do this before round end

Enemy light tank rolls up, FUCK. I switch to K rounds, there’s a number of teammates there working the tank, I get a hipfired K round off into the rear of the tank delivering the coup de grace. Right… in the ass.

OK so now I think I have four kills? I assume that counts? I dunno. Focus. Focus. Round is about to end. I stay back like a wuss (which, again, takes insane effort for me since I love nothing more than ramboing up on the objectives)… and carefully, carefully gather my fifth kill and complete the medal.


Ah, this reminds me that I rolled into the rail yard you later defend, killed a couple soldiers, then couldn’t figure out what I needed to do. After driving around the empty place for a bit, I went way back to the village then came right back to the rail yard. This time a tank finally attacked me and suddenly the yard was full of enemies. I must have avoided a spawn trigger by going around to the right and attacking the yard from the side originally. Really annoying.

Thats right, GMG said their keys will be going out on Friday the 21st.

Just want to say this.

Stop playing as a scout on attack maps. We don’t need 10 snipers out of our 32 players when trying to capture a point.

Sheesh. I know the sniper rifles are a tad overpowered, but c’mon.

But it wouldn’t be a Battlefield game if this wasn’t so! Actually, pretty much true for all of these types of shooters. Too many snipers.

GMG keys have arrived

For the first time, GMG code not working for me. Anybody else have an issue?

My GMG code worked fine. Pre-loading under way.

That kind of talk will get a jar of urine thrown at you.

Same here. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble tmastern

Yeah, I haven’t even started drinking yet, but key won’t activate, despite all the “manually type, restart, and sign out/in” tricks. Oh well, support ticket started…

Yeah mine worked as well, pre-loading now.

So, playing a bit of this today I noticed some weird orange icons on the right side of the screen. There’s no manual that I can find, but Googling for BF4 icons (as of the latest patch; BF1 stuff wasn’t found) it seems the icon I’m seeing, which looks like a stack of film frames sort of, means low FPS. The game seems perfectly fine for me; smooth, no stuttering, very playable. I only have a 970 but it seems to work fine. The icons are sort of annoying though, and they won’t go away.

I can look but off hand does anyone know how to turn them off if possible? And if not, I guess I should futz with settings?

The warnings on the right of this chart?

There’s not much you can do to get rid of them, outside of get better hardware and improve performance.

Do you know what your FPS is?