Battlefield V - WW2, cosmetic loot, DICE

Eastern Front!

Good Lord.

Apparently, the last update is around Libya and the like.

What a wreck of a GAAS game.

Yeah, there is some content update coming out this summer according to the post they put up this morning and that is it. What a mess. Such a low amount of content to support the game, and twice they caused huge disruptions with ttk changes that they later reverted.

Considering all of the content hasn’t been behind a season pass like many games DICE should be praised for supporting a game for 1 1/2 years after release, but once people get it into their head a game is “bad” nothing will change that.

For me BV5 is still a huge upgrade over the frankly dull BF1 and has turned into a very enjoyable game that I’ve gotten over 200 hours of entertainment from. Thank you DICE and bring on a next gen powered modern Battlefield next please.

Was the game mode with the radio towers ever added back in? I loved that last summer.

It was in last week as a temp game mode, but outpost has never been made permanent unfortunately.
Apparently there was some limitation in BF5 that only allows them to have a certain number of game modes active at one time.

I think they could have been more clear about what people should’ve expected post release. Going 6 months or whatever it was without any new maps, and letting Firestorm just die seemed to upset a lot of people.

Hopefully things will work out better for the next release. I’m hoping for a modern BF as well.

I guess that’s one way to look at it. The other is that compared to, oh, let’s say another game like Battlefront 2 from EA and DICE that’s even older, doesn’t have a season pass and is still getting quality updates, this comes off pretty poor.


This youtuber goes into detail on the many failings of BF5.

Still can’t believe how much of the war was left out of the game.

Dice doing Battlefront 2 at the same time, is what really hurt this game.

It’s different teams, isn’t it? Battlefield 1 came out while Battlefront II was already in development, and was received better than Battlefield V.

The plan for covering the entire WW2 through the GAAS system was only going to work if the base game was a big success, something on the level of BF3 at least. BF5 wasn’t. It isn’t economic to offer lots of free content for a game that wasn’t that big of a success.

Obviously the base game would never be that big of a success, since it was only a fraction of a normal BF game. So I guess it was doomed from the start?

It would be better if they introduced “Battlefield Universe” in the same launcher, the same pool of players, etc, where people could either pick different campaigns from BF1, 2, 3 Bad Company 1/2, 2142, Vietnam, One, 5, Whatever. with the same engine/architecture/wtf.

Combine with some “matchmaking” modes that just randomly fills up matches from any of the games - guaranteeing there will be players, and also some “Match of the week” that tries to funnel players to a specific game mode (and thus giving that mode a lot of players) with extra incentives to play those modes, or even modes that have a low player population normally, such as 2 x XP, Get a skin after 10 matches, etc.

This fragmentation of the Battlefield population into so many different games and epochs is surely dilluting the player population, or have the new BF’s always had a higher player pop than the previous version and retained those (i.e. BF5 players never returning to One, etc…)

Add DLCs like skins/outfits/kill-emotes/custom looks on the vehicles, etc… but have the maps available to all. Or do the ARMA route of having new content be “low resolution” for players who did not own it, but still able to fly/use it in the game.


Or they could just admit they are wrong, and that BAD COMPANY 2 WAS THE BEST GOD DAMN BATTLEFIELD EVER MADE. Port 1 and 2 to BF:5 Engine and make a Bad Company 3.

(2142 was kinda neat also)

I haven’t played since around December of last year, did they ever put in auto balance after a round ends?

I will probably give this a reinstall after the final content drop, but overall its been my least favorite battlefield.

Supposedly it was in the works to be introduced soon (like the delayed April update that we should be getting early May), but who knows if the auto balance is still planned. It would really help the life of servers if they did put it in before they move on. Right now it seems to be play a couple rounds, then go find another server.

Played some BF5, BF1, and BF4 last night. BF1 had about 5 fully populated servers, but BF4 seems to still have a pretty good player base. It seemed like there were even more well populated servers there than BF5.

I think in order for that to work, they would have to remake all the older games a la Master Chief Collection. It would be jarring for someone to be playing this:

And then after the round is over, wind up on this map:

As I understand it, the population is mostly split between Battlefield V and Battlefield 4 at this point. The former because it’s the most recent game, and the latter because it’s considered by many fans to be the best Battlefield game in recent memory (after all the fixes following the disastrous launch), and it also scratches the modern warfare itch.

BF4 holds up ridiculously well.

Had some more fun last night playing BF4.

There have been a lot of negative videos about BF5 the last few days, but Westie put out one about what he thought BF5 got right:

Naturally they’d need to rework them to run the same engine/graphic fidelity.

Could even have cheat code/options if you wanted to play “oldschool” version, but only with others on the same to avoid any advantages vs “other engine”, or just render “look” but functionality the same (more or less, to not give any advantages – assume the battlefield “fog” would be a lot closer in the old versions tho…)