Battlegrounds - Another Battle Royale game

Holy crap, I got my first solo win!!!

Congrats! That was an anti-climatic ending, but a win is a win.

Watching the main events of the gamescom invitational has been pretty fun, but I think there is a long way to go before it’ll be an e-sport with an appeal beyond the existing playerbase (like Dota 2 has).

Day 1 Solos had alot of camera issues. I don’t envy the job of the camera guy having to track 100 people, but still. There were times when it dwelled on campers or looters, which is boring. At some points the commentators were begging for perspective changes that took a long time to happen. The programmers need to program in more seamless camera changes in observer mode, a better mini-map, and make it available for everyone so players can observe the tournament matches.

Day 2 already shows improvement. Duos are easier to track, and they’ve added in instant replays which is nice. I’m sure squads will be even better.

PS - pro players look like their characters all have ADD. They jitter their characters and swivel the camera around at a disorientating degree.


“Died outside playzone” is my favourite!

Been watching this thread and twitch streams for a few weeks, waffling back and forth on whether I should pick this up and I finally caved last night…

Not bad for my fourth game!

Honestly, I think it had more to do with lucky positioning. I dropped in to a coastal village and wound up only a few hundred yards from the center of the circle. Was able to find a long rifle and 60 rounds quickly so I just went into hiding, only moving when the circle started to get closer.

When it was down to about 20 players I had moved to just inside (I think?) where the next circle reduction was going to occur so I hid inside a plant and was able to catch my one kill as he jumped out of a vehicle and ran right into me, oblivious until he was dead.

Right at the end when we were at 10 I had low crawled up to a door that I watched another player shut just before I arrived. I could hear him running from window to window looking for others…could even see a bit of him from time to time in the window.

I guess at the end the circle moves from place to place within a slightly larger area? Not sure how it works just yet but I kept waiting with my gun trained on the door, expecting him to come out and sure enough he did. I unloaded but he must have had enough armor to withstand because he was able to return fire and take me out. I just realized in my screenshot you can see him looking at me while standing in the door.


I can’t imagine watching any esport I don’t play myself, especially something boring like Dota.

I’ve enjoyed this tournament so far, and I agree that day 2 was better. But I think (and hope) they’ll improve with experience.

I won my 15th or so game, but that’s with dozens of hours of spectating to boot. I really enjoy watching this game more than playing, but if you want to have a tip that’s not reliant on being a twitch shooter master, it’s this: prone works. Even top players can’t see you if you’re prone and not moving.

My win was to drop into a small village with no competition, loot until I have armor/rifle/SMG/helmet/meds (this often doesn’t happen fast and leads to fights/deaths) and once I’m slightly kitted, run up a hill and lay down by a tree somewhere near the center of a zone. When the circle moves, I move early, staying away from buildings, staying close to trees, staying prone.

Eventually there were about ten left, a guy runs right past me and I gun him down and loot him, then creep to the next zone. At a certain point the zones are closing faster and getting so small that you can’t be in the center (for minimum movement) so it’s time to start planning edge locations. Most great players do this the whole game, stay on the edge and come in at the last second. Too much stress for me. Then I out-patienced the last two guys and had side shots on them, never took a round myself. Use the free look a lot, stay prone, wait wait wait for the other guy to move first.

This is pretty much what I try to do as well. I think I’m going on 100 rounds played, maybe? Closer to 80 might be right. At this point, I’m starting to understand the game, the weapons and the trends of people.

Evermore in the solo ESL tournament is my hero!

I think prone works up to a point. If you’re in a fight, it’s kind of useless. You aren’t hidden because the grass doesn’t render that far, and as far as I can tell from spectating, it seems to do nothing for accuracy.

I think prone is great against someone who doesn’t know exactly where you are, but once they find you it’s better to be moving around.

Perhaps I should rephrase it: prone works great against me since I suck and can’t find anything, but never seems to work on the savants that I play against. Haha!

I pulled a severe dick move in the game I won last night. I was in a house on the edge of the circle, like the circle actually clipped through the house. Forgive my shitty drawing, but it’s this layout:


So, where the blue dot is, I dropped a red bull and a grenade. I sat, crouched, with my AK at the red spot.

No one can resist a redbull, they give you wings.


Hey, I know that house!

Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that strategy, either.

FPP tournament today?

Linky? I might stay up for the Star Citizen thing, so it will pass the time if it starts sooner.

That thumbnail with the icons where everyone is currently located looks very interesting. I might watch the replay tonight just for that.

Waaaay more people are watching this than playing Lawbreakers…

Boy, they have some serious ‘sports’ commentary going on through.

Sweet Jesus, it it much better muted.