Battlegrounds - Another Battle Royale game

It’s still kind of glitchy/janky, but MUUUUUUUUUCH less so than H1Z1.

Okay, thanks.

Whoops, my system doesn’t meet minimum requirements. Money saved I guess.

Patch notes:

One of the more popular theories is that we run our games on potato quality servers. I would like to put this theory to bed by telling you our servers run on the highest possible spec machines that AWS offer.

It blows my mind that these games are hosted on AWS. We live in amazing times. I wonder how much this costs.

Why would that blow your mind? Buying, building, deploying and managing infrastructure is hell expensive, particularly for a start-up. AWS et al mitigates that completely by allowing a known, (mostly) predictable and scale-able cost model from which build a business. Scale-able being key - low entry point keeps costs contained, but provides huge benefits in rapid, automated, cross point-of-presence scale-out as the business grows and cash flow permits.

Presuming your cloud provider can meet your desired SLA, it’s a no-brainer. And well suited to gaming, where difficulty or nigh impossibility in predicting the next break-out success makes infrastructure investment a risky proposition.

At some point it may make sense to move to another model, but AWS sure makes it far easier to get up and running than 20 years ago.

pan OP?

This is what my comment is referring to. I deeply understand the benefits vs building your own server farm, you didn’t need to point any of that out. :)

Ah, sorry, misread the intent behind your post. Yes, amazing times indeed!

Some rollercoaster patch news this week. First it was supposed to be out this morning, but then it got delayed to next week, and now it will be out today after all (in an hour or so).

I did play a couple of rounds on the test server just now, and I had no issues. Got a couple of good runs too, #10 and #25 (or so). In the latter I thought I’d do better since I got a car early and drove north way off the flight path, and just looted my way down towards the circle. Even got a VSS, but sadly didn’t get to use it because a camper on the rocks just north of Lipovka (see blue marker in the image below) got me when I went down there to find a good sniping position (and I didn’t really expect to find anyone there). Heartbroken, because that was a perfect spot for my VSS and it was just inside the circle too. Oh well, but at least my killer hit jackpot (also had a silenced vector with an extended mag).

The patch and updated servers are now up.

“Don’t take the bad shot”, a cautionary tale in 20 seconds:

I kind of want this game and I kind of don’t. Do people pretend to be friendly while actually wanting to murder you?

Not sure what you mean by “pretend” ? In solo, it’s free for all, and if you play duo or squad you work together with your partner(s) to kill everybody else. It’s basically last man standing.

I mean, like DayZ. I don’t want to get cornholed by a bunch of giggling teenagers for my socks

It’s nothing like DayZ. This is battle royale, so you want to avoid all others or kill them. Partnering up with someone solo (or someone not on your team) is a bannable offense.

Edit: also, rounds are like 30-40 minutes tops (if you win).

Yeah, it is last man or team standing. No need to even have voice communication on. Completely different than your rusts or Days Z. I usually have voice communication off, and chat with my team through discord.

Got #2 overall last night. Seriously, save those smoke grenades for the final circle. Really helped me and my colleague get through the open to the only cover on our side of the circle. Pump action shotgun lost to an automatic gun when we had to leave cover. SO CLOSE

Whenever I have the money, I think I’ll probably get it. Be fun to play and use discord

Finally got a solo win. I’m actually still kind of trembling from it. Damn, this game is intense.

Now hopefully I can get a duo win with my brother. We’ve been playing a couple nights a week.

Congrats! I’m still not able to clutch a solo win. And just now, I choked again at #4: