Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

Only one, fortunately.

Individually, and in a sector with no other civilian ship if at all possible (which it is right now)

I would allow, if you want, an alteration of the unpiloted activation, if you wanted to shift their forces around a bit.

first we will have this crisis to handle. i could escort the civvies with my OPG when the need arises.

So we need to use communications more to move the civvies to a single sector. But with those basestars in those positions it might be better to escort them.

And we need to kill all the ships as well.

ok so one in 1 and one in 4

Instead of launching the extra viper in 3 i will move the AR to 2, is that allowed?

“Why not go ram one with Pegasus if you have a high card to sacrifice?”

Don’t we need Apollo to eat donuts so he can level up and unlock the ability? i.e. that’s not a thing, is it? escorting will probably be better, if I don’t do it.

@rowe33 if we’re ever going to be sure… but it’s not for now.

@jeffreyb I’ll need to see the board, I’m not good at imagining where things are moving. With our distrust on our drunken leader, escorting might be the way to go.

I meant Pegasus Command. Guaranteed 2 hits on basestar with a 5+ Kat card sacrifice.

Also, I’m not sure how any distrust affects us. You’re not going to brig me this turn because we can’t afford a(nother?) possible human in the brig right now, and I’ve already stated that I’m going to nuke a basestar if everyone wants me to. Focus on the Cylons, and I’ll prove my loyalty when it comes to the big red button.

If there are no Cylons, CraigM is laughing his ass off. Totally worth it.

Aye. There has to be one though. Colonial day was definitely spiked.

I think cic got hit though.

Going to need some big help from @Otthegreat to pass this one.

I’m sorry guys, I have a crazy busy start to the week so haven’t been able to catch up on the thread. Hopefully tomorrow? Maybe?

I think the heavy will be the primary threat to deal with on your turn if you have the card to go with it @Perky_Goth
Otherwise maybe communications to move some civvies to the raptor.
With your OPG we could take down a basestar as well.

Best to see what cards you get first though.

And I came on vacation and my phone stopped working, so I can’t always be online. I’m geeky enough to use a tablet to get a rom to flash it and see if it works (because formatting is not the same as reset, you moron), and to get my google codes from home, but geez. It might take a while, I have a family to entertain and fresh air to catch. Sorry.


shakes Ott like a toddler

@Otthegreat is fine. Give leeway to men in uniform carrying weapons, and trained to use them and all ;)

Not rushing you @Otthegreat (okay I am, but sorta not really) but I think we’d all be disappointed without a rousing rendition of OTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

You’ve got to learn how they work to be able to beat them.
No go, it still continues to boot loop, must be hardware related. I’ll use someone else’s phone to keep tabs once in a while, no biggie. Just annoyed, because I’d fine with keeping that dated hardware for a while longer.

2 cards

I believe @Perky_Goth is up?

Haha no need to worry, I’m a terrible shot. But yes, two assessments, extra weapon accountability, and night guard on top of normal work all conspired to make the last two days kind of awful.

I still have no idea who our Cylon is. I do feel like having two people in the brig at this stage would do more harm than good if we aren’t certain one is a Cylon.

Ok, going to sort it right now. Hold please while I sort what happened.

EDIT: @jeffreyb added 3, for the record.