Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

I’m sorry I ever doubted you @soondifferent, @rowe33 is obviously a Cylon.

There’s no way a human would’ve held onto a Pol 5 card when we had Food/Morale in the balance. If I’m wrong, we’ll find out soon (unless Craig went to bed I guess.)

Don’t forget we’d already agreed to use it to brig someone. And I mentioned I was holding on to some useful cards. It seems like pretty questionable reasoning to base an execution on, but you’ll find out your “mistake” soon enough.

This game

Raiders activating on this turn will be glorious as well Billy!

@Otthegreat reveals one loyalty card… then the other.

Fully human. Morale -1, Ot select a new character.

@soondifferent I am reminded that you needed to discard after the morale loss, so please do so and discard 1 cards.

Then I will reveal the next crisis.

I’m not sure what you guys do in these threads, as I’ve never read them, but I just want to say kudos for how you name them. It always brings a smile to my face.

Well frak, whichever of you is the Cylon did a great job. At least we know Ot is human but that process sure won’t reflect well on me.

Sorry former Admiral. It’s got to be Kat then I assume because why would Soon brig the other Cylon??

What if Apollo went double Cylon and we’re all not thinking of that as a possibility?

Nice try.

I thought it’d be better to find out for sure. Was definitely wrong. I’m starting to think nothing makes sense except a double Apollo Cylon, in which case maybe we have a chance. I can’t remember how that works though. When he reveals, he hands off his other card, right?

My only proof of humanity from that move is I was worried Gina was about to do her OPG. Dropping a ship next to the other 3 civvies, then blowing them up, would have ended us for sure.

Don’t know what that is about, but the text reads non-civilian ships.

When a cylon reveals, they reveal only one card. The other, unrevealed, cards get distributed to whomever they desire at that time.

If that’s true then I done f’ed up for sure. I can’t seem to load it to check. Been having major issues this whole game trying to read the player cards as i can’t easily zoom in like I could in previous games. Not sure what changed. It cycles to the next set of cards instead of zooming.

I am, previously I had placed all such cards in an Imgur folder. However the board updated how it handles Imgur requests, so conversely it doesn’t automatically open the file separately. If you open in a new tab you can view full size.

I have been having the same issues, you need to download first before you can zoom.

works for me atm

Is it working right now though? I can’t seem to download it, just takes me to a never - resolving imgur page.

Guess it was just a problem on my phone. I can see it now on my laptop and it definitely says non-civilian. Well, frak. Can you give me that 2nd Cylon card when you reveal so this all ends up looking like part of my master plan? :D

discard tactics 0 (TI)

Gina loses her miracle token right? Well it’s actually not too bad a trade off, 1 morale + a few cards for not having to spend a turn unbrigging, the unbrig itself and getting to pick a character useful for the situation (though Jack Fisk would have been great to get intimate with, just sayin’)

yep, i guess we can see the crisis now. (or not, I don’t what could effect what)

And i was so looking forward getting intimate with Gina in the brig as well